26| Same Personality

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Suggested Song: No Below by Speedy Ortiz

Carmen's POV

Will pulls the car into the apartment garage and I get out and pop the boot. We each grab armfuls of bags each and carry them up to the apartment.

Usually I would call Alex, James and George down to help us, but I knew they were pretty busy themselves up stairs.

Especially since the party started at 8pm and it was already 7 o'clock.

Will balances the keys in his fingers as he struggles to open the door through the bags.

Eventaully he slides the key in and it pops open.

I sigh in relief. My bags were slipping down.

I plonk my handful of bags on the bench and Will does the same thing.

As he goes to run back down to get the rest of the bags I grab his arm.

"Do you need help with the rest?" I offer

"No, there's only like three left, I'll be fine" He quickly answers before rushing downstairs again

I was puffed.

George and Stephen are fiddling around with the stereo and James and Alex are up on a ladder hanging lights.

I walk over the the ladder and lean on one of the empty steps.

"So, did you have a good time with Will?" Alex says looking down at my for a split second.

James was standing on the other side of the ladder, holding it down so it doesn't top while Alex is standing on it.

He seems pretty chill. I suppose that's because he's on the firm ground not up on a ladder.

He's just leaning against it all chill like.

"Yeah... Actually I did. At first it was awkward, but then... We just said fuck it, let's be friendly for a couple of hours. And it was fine" I smile down and then look back up at Alex

"Oooooo... Seems like someone has a crush on our Will" James says and looks up at Alex, then cheekily smile at me.

I raise an eyebrow

"No! I just... Had a good time" I look away awkwardly

James and Alex crack up laughing.

"What?!" I whine through an awkward giggle

"Oh nothing..." James giggles

I roll my eyes cheekily and walk off over to George and Stephen.

"Hey Carmen" Stephen smiles

"Hey" I grin

"For fuck sakes!" George says, smacking the stereo in frustration.

I stare at him in confusion.

"George has been trying to get the stereo to work for about half an hour now. So he's a bit livid" Stephen leans over and whispers.

I giggle and look at George and the stereo again.

"Do you want me to try?" I politely offer

He sighs and moves away from the stereo

"Yeah. Be my guest" He gives up and walks into the kitchen

I prod around at the buttons and Stephen passes me his phone opened into Spotify.

"So. What's up with you and Will? Did you used to date or something?" Stephen sparks up a conversation

"No. We just never got along. We almost got suspended many times for conflicts we sparked up constantly" I say, still focusing on the stereo

"Oh. It's weird though. From what I've seen, you two are pretty similar" He inputs, leaning up against the wall

I lose focus from the stereo and look up Stephen.

"What do you mean?" I say a bit confused

"Your personalities. I know you see him as a narcissistic asshole. But truth be told, none of us have ever seen him like that. When he's not around you, he's actually just like you"

I look down at the floor.

"So I like... Bring out the worst in him?" I furrow my eyebrows

"I guess. Not that that's anything to do with you. It's just weird" He shrugs at the situation

I look back at the stereo.

What was Will really like then?

I go into Stephens phone settings and head into blue tooth.

Finally, the stereo name comes up and I tap it. The stereo makes a weird beep to indicate it was connected and I tap back into Spotify.

I press play on Stephens songs and Drake blasts through.

I sigh in relief.

"What the fuck?!" George whines from the kitchen

Stephen and I laugh at his struggle and Will walks back in the door and closes the front door with his foot, plonking the last bags on the bench.

Will groans and collapses on the couch.

"Everything is ready" Alex announces as he climbs down from the ladder

George is in the kitchen, unpacking the bags and placing them in bowls.

The place looks cool.

Neon lights hung from each corner of the room, drooping in the middle slightly then raising back up on the other side.

The bench was filling up fast with decorative bowls, full of snacks.

Alcohol was spralled across the bench as well, with red party cups stacked in dozens.

I grinned at the pretty sight.

The apartment had been cleaned up nicely.

"Now to get ready for the party ourselves" Stephen says, grabbing a bag of clothes off the stool.

I nod and head to my room to pick out a pretty outfit.

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