46| Ibiza's Finest

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Carmen's POV

The flight was only short. We were supposed to get there at about 12:30am. The flight was only about two hours and thirty minutes. I spent a lot of the time snuggled up in my jersey, watching the movie 'Blockers' on Will's laptop.

He had *cough cough* illegally downloaded it the morning before.

As the plane landed in the pitch black Ibiza night, it jolted and buckled. It wasn't long before we were all climbing off the plane to touch the nice warm Ibiza ground.

I was excited.

I was also extremely eager to get off this plane. To move my stale, and stiff legs.

I quickly climbed passed Will with my backpack as soon as the seatbelt light flashes off. Will follows me off the plan, our backpacks on, ready to go. I smile at the huge airport as we walk off the tarmac.

It was midnight in Ibiza.

When we get in the airport, we sit down for a second and wait for the others to catch up. They eventually all crowd around us and we stand up again, ready to get to the villa.

We all walk through multiple customs and checks before we are allowed out, which takes about half an hour to forty five minutes.

We walk out and Stephen gathers us all together as the taxis pull up beside us and leave.

"Ok guys, grab a group of four and get taxis. Ask to head to forty six, Altar Street" Stephen announces and we all pile into small groups like he said. My group was Will, Gee, James and I. James joined our group cause he lost George and Alex in the crowd before.

When we are together, everyone starts putting their hands out for a taxi as new ones pull in.

"Now guys, when you get there, there are codes on the front door. Use the cards I gave you before and put the number in as my birthday" He yells out and people start piling into taxis.

Will sticks his hand out as one approaches and it stops and pulls in next to us.

Will gets in the front and the rest of us pile into the back. When we are all in, the taxi driver looks over at Will and asks his location.

"Can you take us to forty six, Altar Street please?" He responds as I slide my seatbelt on.

The man nods and turns his blinker on to get out of the little cut out bit. When we turn onto the actual road, Will tries to muster up a conversation with the man.

His English was slightly broken in some parts, but he spoke with an impressive Brazilian accent. He was extremely friendly and eager to talk.

"So how long have you been driving taxis?" Will asks

The man glances at him and smiles.

"For about three years now" He responds. I smiled to myself, I loved his thick accent.

It was much different to hearing constant British accents.

After about twenty minutes of driving, Will had talk to the man so much he knew almost every basic detail about him. He had also learned his name to be Paulo.

I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder and turn towards Gee.

She smiles and shows me her phone. It's a funny video of a couple of girls falling off bar drunk.

She giggles and I do the same.

"Do you know what the place looks like?" I ask her

"Well I've been to Ibiza before, but I've only been in the heart of the city. Chip said this one was up in the hills that looked over the city." She replied

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