40| The Dreams, The Truth

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Warning: Some themes in this chapter may be upsetting or triggering to some people. Please read with caution❤️

Suggested Song: I Love You by Billie Eilish (again)

Will's POV

I watched on as Carmen broke down. I held her tightly, replaying my next moves and their outcomes. When Sarah disappears completely, she grabs a hold of my arm and cries into my shoulder. Her touch is shaky and melancholy.

I try to pick her up, along with myself.

I pull us both up and she relies all her weight on me. I try to help her stand, but she just keeps falling back onto me.

"Come on Carmen" I say as I slowly drag her back to the car. I put one arm under hers, and rest my other hand just above her chest, and just under her shoulder as I support her with my own weight.

When we reach the car, I lean her half on me, half on the car as I pull the keys out of my pocket.

As it popped open, I picked her up bridal style and carried her to her side of the car.

I opened her door and gently slide her in and let her go.

She is pretty unresponsive. Even though she was awake.

As I go to let go fully, she grabs my arm and looks straight at me, tears still brimming her eyes.

"I'm sorry Will. I'm so sorry" She says as she let's go of my arm.

I just watch on.

Never had I felt so awful for her.

I close her door gently and run to the other side of the car and get in. I don't put on my seatbelt, or even put the keys in the ignition.

"Carmen...?" I ask.

She doesn't look up at me, she just stares down her hands as they shook out of her control.

"What happened? I mean... Never have I seen someone break down like that"

She had calmed down slightly now. Her tears we're gentle and quiet. Her breaths were slow and long.

"Anxiety attack" She mutters

I look down at the steering wheel. I hadn't see her have an anxiety attack before. It was terrifying.

I thought she was literally dying.

"Oh..." I utter and she just continues to fiddle with her fingers as she looks down at them.

"I'm sorry you had to see that. I dont even let Sarah see those usually... I always just walk away and hide until it's over..." She speaks up as I turn to look at her again.

"Why? You usually deal with those alone?!" I ask curiously

"I'm ashamed... It's a flaw. It shouldn't be seen as cute or quirky like all these people seem to make it out to be... It's awful. And it's fucking ruining my life" She replies, quietly

"You shouldn't be ashamed, Carmen. It's a flaw, but it's not something you should hide away from" I console

She sighs and glances at me.

"Yeah. But it's not something to be proud of either, Will. My brain is... Broken" She replies

I look down at my hands. Then back at her.

"We all a little broken, Carmen"

"Some more than others" She responds to my comment.

"You know... They were prescribed to me after highschool... The doctor said I was showing signs of depression..." I say, keeping my eye contact with the steering wheel.

The Ones That Are Broken // WillneWhere stories live. Discover now