22| He's Kinda Cute

341 5 4

Suggested Song: The Arch by Benoit Guivarch

Carmen's POV

"Are you still in the shower man?!" Will yells at me through the closed bathroom door.

He was in a particular dickhead mood this morning.

I sigh.

"Shut the fuck up Will! I'll get out when I get out!" I scold back

I hear him mutter a complaint before I hear his footsteps carry him away again.

I had been in the shower for five minutes.

I pick up the shampoo bottle and pour a small but fair circle, messaging it into my hair and rinsing it out again.

The floor of the shower becoming increasingly slippery, but I hold my balance.

This morning, I had to use Wills bathroom. George was getting ready in the other, and I couldn't be late today.

Will wasn't happy about it either, as you could imagine.

I finishing rinsing off and reach to turn off the shower.

The water comes to a halt and I snatch my towel, wrapping it around me. The warm material soothed my shaking cold skin.

I open the shower door and Will pushes me out of the way to get in.

"Bro! What the fuck!?" I exclaim as I only just catch myself from falling

He doesn't respond, he just closes the door.

I hear the click of the lock from the other side.

I keep the towel wrapped tightly around me as I walk from Will's room, to my own. The cold air made me shiver as my skin misses the hot water from the shower.

I close the door behind me and drop my towel, revealing myself to an empty crowd.

I go through my draws and chuck on a bra and knickers. Just in case anyone came in, at least they wouldn't see my full spectrum.

As I rummage through the closet, I pick out an outfit.

Today I was going out with Sarah, Cleo, Kobe and one of Cleo's friends

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Today I was going out with Sarah, Cleo, Kobe and one of Cleo's friends.

We were going out for lunch at the mall. Which was good because I wanted to get some more jeans.

Despite the fact that I hated shopping, and the mall in general, I was actually excited. I had been stuck at home doing northing for the last couple of days.

The only thing I had been doing was intensive editing.

Will had come into my room a few times to complain about things, but otherwise I had avoided everyone...
Unintentionally of course.

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