11| Fairly New Bottle

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Suggested Song: Eyes on Fire by Blue Foundation (highly suggest you listen while reading❤️)

Carmen's POV

I stood behind Will as he fiddled with the door, trying to unlock it. I look around and down the hall to try and distract myself from the amount of awkward tension.

I held my fist in a shaking, bloodied mess. Purple and blue mixes covered my hand like a dark vampire sunset. My hand looked like I had fist bumped Leonardo Da Vinci's days worth of work.

But it felt like I had punched Dwayne Johnson's bicep. Will looked back at me when the lock clicked, before walking in the door. I frowned as I walked into his apartment.

Is Will just teasing me? Is he actually going to help? Or his just going to leave me.

"Come on then" he says gesturing me to follow him

I follow him down the hall to what I assume is the bathroom.

"Where's everyone else? Alex said he was home" I ask looking in the open doors down the hallways

"Dunno. Alex had to leave, he asked me to meet you here cause you sounded in bad shape" Will replies bluntly

"Oh ok" I say as I follow him into his bedroom

Where are we going?

He brings me into the bathroom that's connected to his room.

He brings me into the bathroom that's connected to his room

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It's clean and pretty nice. I walk in and become immediately jealous at how he got his own bathroom and back at the dorms I had to get up at 4am just to get a warm shower. He stops and stares at me. I look back in confusion.

"Go on. Up you get then" He says pointing at the bench. I climb up and sit next to the basin. Will looks at me, and I stare back. He snaps out of it quickly and points at the cupboard next to me.

"Uh... Stuff you need, is in there. Just... Give us a shout if ya need anything" he breaks the silence and quickly walks out.

I watch carefully as he walks out, closing the door in a soft slam on his way out. I turn my body around to face the cupboard beside me. I shuffle through a few things and come across some Crystaderm and bandages.

I rub in the burning white cream and wrap the cloth around quickly and tightly. The cuts and scratches all in between my knuckles burn and itch in an irritated sensation. The burning intensifies but slowly melts down in a short couple of minutes. I look down at my hands. A deep scar that followed the dark vein underneath lined my left wrist.

I looked down at it and traced my fingers over it, as though it was the blade. I sighed and leaned my back against the mirror in the wall behind me.

The Ones That Are Broken // WillneWhere stories live. Discover now