60| The Edge

293 5 7

Suggested Song: Dirty Paws by Of Monsters and Men

Carmen's POV

I walk downstairs and meet the majority of everyone else watching TV. Gee grinned as she spotted me, and quickly jumped up to grab my hand. She quickly pulled me out the sliding doors and sat me down with her on the lounge chairs.

"Okay, what did you do to Will before?" She eagerly awaits my answer

"What do you mean?" I quickly respond, hoping not to leave enough time for suspicion

"I mean he came downstairs with the biggest smile a few minutes before you did. He went to 'check' on you and came back forty five minutes later" She continued to grin, but my gaze fell to the floor

What was I to say?

"How do you know if you are in love with someone, Gee?" I ask, my gaze following a line back up until I meet her gaze again

She pauses, and her smile fades slowly. She becomes silent and fiddles with her hands nervously. I look down at my feet. I shouldn't have asked her that.

"Do you love Will, Carmen?" She asks, a serious expression

I pause. I didn't even know the answer to that question anymore. My head told me it was no. But everything else in my body would always fight that opinion.

"No" I bluntly reply. My brain liked to take over. It was almost like a prison cell, keeping me from telling any sort of truth.

"Well. I really don't know what your love feels like. Everyone's love is different" She responds

I look down at my hands, but I almost immediately feel her grab my hands gently. I look up at her and she gives a gentle smile, sweet and caring.

"But if you love Will, you will know. You know what your love feels like. If you don't feel that, maybe you don't love him. Maybe you love the idea of him" She responds

I pause and something sinks. Something that had floated to the top and had been sitting on the surface for a long time now. But now, it was sinking. And I couldn't reach it to pull it back up again.

I was convinced that it was me that was sinking. Gee gets up and brushes her dress off.

"But even if you dont love him... I can feel, he loves you" She says, before she walks off back inside.

I slouch over and rub my eyes. What was I to do?

I close my eyes and images flash over my closed off sight of Will. Good and bad. I stand up and walk to the edge of the section, my feet stand over the edge of the cliff, as I stare down the hill below.

My body, leans. Closer and closer to the edge I get. I defocus my eyes and trees and bushes below become a green blur.

"Carmen?" A voice from behind me wakes me up and I turn to see Alex standing behind me, one hand out slightly as he looks at me, afraid.

"C-come away from the edge" His voice is stuttery

I look away from him, back down the cliff, and imagine myself falling over the edge to the floor below. I breathe out slowly and my feet step back as I turn away and walk back to Alex.

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