16| Bridal Style

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Suggested Song: Crosses by José González

Will's POV

The car came to a jolt as Alex parked in the apartment garage. James woke up in a jolt and grabbed a hold of my arm tightly with a breathy gasp.

"Jesus fucking Christ man!" I say. Indicating he scared the fuck out of me.

James laughed and apologized and that was the end of it.  Alex and George climbed out of the car and started getting their bags and stuff from the boot.

I looked over at a very peaceful looking Carmen.

She obviously hadn't been sleeping properly because she had fallen asleep fast... Twice

I was surprised that even James little freak out didn't wake her up. She was out of it. James opened his door and climbed out. I got out his side and walked around to Carmen's door, opening it quietly and gently.

I didn't like her. But I wasn't an asshole. She clearly needed the sleep.

I softly slipped one hand under her neck, and the other under her legs. Gently and slowly, I lifted her out of the car, avoiding hitting her head as much as possible.

Though it would be funny.

She feel perfectly into my arms and her face snuggled into me. I felt weird and uncomfortable. And could you imagine the shit storm she'd stir up right now if she woke up and saw me holding her like this.

She'd pack one right in.

Alex turned and look at me confused.

"What uh... What are you doing?" Alex says as George and James turn to me as well.

"She obviously needs sleep. So I'm carrying her back up to the apartment. We can figure out what to do next I guess" I reply

"Don't you hate her?" James says frowning slightly at the situation

"Yeah. But doesn't mean I need to be an asshole ALL of the time" I roll my eyes.

Alex smile grew large. He had been nagging me, since he met her to be nice for once. Now, he was overly greatful.

Well its better than the other night where he just lectured me about treating her nicely. Alex could get really fucking fired up. That's the difference between my roommates.

George got fired up, but usually he holds back and bites his tongue. James just avoids conflict and Alex fires up and let's loose. Alex has no filter of what he says. He just says fuck off then regrets it later. George just gets a bit snarky, then complains about it later.

"Right. Let's go upstairs and get the fuck out of the cold" James says rubbing his hands together.

I follow everyone slowly up the stairs and down the hall to our apartment. George fiddles around with the keys and opens the door... Eventually. George and Alex go to the kitchen, James heads to his room and I carry Carmen to my room.

It was late and she was already asleep. She might as well just stay here. I place her down gently on my bed. She was a heavy sleeper. Either that or she was so exhausted, that even when I almost dropped her before, she didn't wake up.

I took her shoes off and placed them down beside the bed. Then slowly I picked up her legs slid them under the covers.

She groans a bit but doesn't open her eyes. It was freezing inside the house, so I pull the other blanket up too

See? I can be a gentleman!

I walk over to my wardrobe and grab out an extra blanket and pillow. I was on the couch for the night. I walk out of the room quietly and sneak the door closed gently.

I sigh and stand outside of my room.

"Where's Carmen?" James questions as he walks out of the bathroom.

"Asleep in my room" I say pointing back at the door

He nods and walks off.

I carry my lump of blanket and walk over to the living room couch and dump them down. George has left the kitchen and Alex is leaning against the bench on his phone.

"She will probably appreciate this you know, Will" Alex says looking up from his phone

"Yeah well she best not get used to it" I frown and set up my bed for the night

Alex sighs and shrugs.

"Well goodnight" He says before walking off and turning out the kitchen light.

I lay awake just staring at the roof. I couldn't sleep right now.

I guess I just had to wait.

The Ones That Are Broken // WillneWhere stories live. Discover now