18| I Have No One

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Suggested Song: My Lair by Bear's Den

Carmen's POV

I followed Alex, George and Will from the parking lot to my dorm. I had to get my books and stuff from my dorm before I went to class. I walked up the stairs and stopped outside my door.

I turned the handle and it opened.

I walked in and they followed me in. Inside was Martha. Her eye was dark purple and swollen. She glared and watched as I walked in.

"Hello Martha" I said cautiously.

I knew I was unintentionally stepping on toes. She grunted a response.

I walk over to my bed and find a note sitting on it. Its from the official University Campus Council. I pick it up and begin to trace over the words with my eyes, reading each word carefully.

Dear Miss Carmen Lanburg

The council regrets to inform you, you are no longer welcome to live on campus. Due to complaints made by your roommate, you are being asked to turn in you dorm key and live off campus. You will have a week to move all your belongings out before the council takes action upon your scholarship

Loughborough University Council

My eyes teared up as I read the note. I knew it wasn't just Martha playing with me either, because it had the official council stamp on it and everything.

I sighed and collapsed onto my bed.

I heard Martha snigger at my pain. She found enjoyment in this, the sick fuck.

"Look. I'm sorry I lashed out Martha! You provoked me and I lost control! But why the fuck did you get me evicted!? You know I have no where to go!!" I speak honestly as I

"No! You look whore! I don't want you to live here anymore! I reported you to the dorm security because I was sick of you! So Ha!" She bitches.

I stand there trying not to freak out.

"What's your problem?!" Alex stands up for me

She sniggers at Alex and looks him up and down in disgust.

"Shut the fuck up! No one asked you!" She fights back with a glare

"...sket..." George mutters under his breath

I smirk slightly at his comment

Martha just glares at George like shes gonna kill him

"Anyways whore! You have a week to get all your shit out of MY dorm" she sniggers again and I become very tempted to hit her again

I clench my fists and George touches my arm gently.

I look back at him and my hands loosen again.

He shakes his head and looks at me softly.

He knew I wanted to hurt her.

He knew I couldn't though.

I sigh and hang my head.

I walk over to my shelves and grab my bag, stuffing my books and folders into it.

I flung it over my shoulder and looked down at the floor.

"Let's get the fuck out of here" I mutter through clenched teeth

I walk out of the dorm and hear them follow close behind. I was fuming. I was shaking I was so mad.

I had no where to go.

Mum moved back to California and hadn't even talked to me in two years.

I try to call her often, but she never answers, and she never calls back.

I knew Sarah and Cleo would offer for me to stay with them, but I couldn't except that. If campus security found out, they would lose their dorm too.

I sat on the bench outside the dorm and held my head in my hands.

I could feel all three of them staring at me, not knowing what to say.

How could Martha do that?

I know I punched her, but it was provoked.

And she hit me first.

But I'm sure Martha would have left those details out when telling on me.

"Why the fuck can't something just go right for once?!" I won into my hands.

I feel someone rub my back and sit down beside me. I look up at them, expecting to see Alex or even George.

But I was wrong.

I came face to face with Will.

Sympathy was drawn across his face as he looked down, his hand still circling around on my back.

His comforting touch only my eyes water more.

Like he had flicked a switch on the flood gates, that had been wanting to flood for a long time.

And now that it was open, it wasn't stopping.

My ribs felt like they were grinding against each other with every breath I took.

Suddenly I flung myself over Will in a hug. He reached in shock.

As I draped myself over him, he became tense. But that only made my grip tighten.

I didn't think he would hug me back. But I didn't care. I needed someone that I knew to hug it out right now.

Suddenly, I jumped as I felt his arms wrap around me gently. And slowly, he began to rock me ever so slightly back and forth.

I hated him. So I couldn't help but fight with myself about why he did this to me.

Why he made me feel the way he did. So confused.

Why he made me feel like I was addicted to fighting with him. And why I couldn't get over him being here.

Suddenly, all realisation kicks in and I push him away.

It was a fast and swift moment. I feel him jump and I touch him with such force.

I hug my arms tightly around myself and face the other way.

I couldn't look at him.

I knew what he was doing. He had done it before back in highschool. Make me think he could be nice, then take advantage of me.

I didn't want to fall for that again.

Everyone stays silent. Not a single word is exchanged.

I pull down my sleeve and wipe under my eyes and my cheeks.

"We...have to go. Class starts in a couple of minutes" I say in a croaky crying voice.

I stand up quickly.

George and Alex nod and I quickly begin walking to class before anyone comes with me.

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