6| Stop Looking!

337 7 2

Suggested Song: Lovely by Billie Eilish and Khalid

Carmen's POV

I took a huge gasping breath of air in as I feel the splash of a cold sensation overtake me.

I sat bolt right up and opened my eyes to darkness. The faint outline of a figure stood next to me.


Suddenly the blur of senses left me, and all I heard was the cold laughter of Will beside me.

What the fuck

"That was fucking funny" I hear Will snigger in a loud whisper

"What the fuck?" I say, trying to feel around me "W-what happened?... What did you do!" I whisper yell

More like yell...

"Calm down... I just poured a bucket of cold water on you. Prank 101 sister" he says. I can hear him basically patting himself on the back

I hear him shuffle over to the door. But instead of the door squeaking open, I hear the light switch turn on.

A burst of light, burning into my dark adjusted eyes.

Will is standing there shirtless with nothing but black track pants on.

"Geez put some clothes on. I can see your boobs" he sniggers.

"Stop looking!!" I squeel at my exposed...ish body

I look at him in disbelief as I snatch the soaking blanket off the couch and drape it over myself.

"And correction... You could see my bra" I say, still shook about what happened

"Whatever" he shrugs

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you!?"

Aaannndddd... There's reality. Welcome back

"What's wrong with me? Ya know. I was happy before the UKs biggest asshole didn't live with me!"

"I'm not the biggest asshole in the UK! Little T is! With YOU following close behind!" I howl back

He turned around and glared at me.

"Don't EVER dis my man little T"

"Nonce..." I muttered and looked at the door

"What did you say?..."

Uh oh. Play this off cool Carmen.

"Ohhhh.... Guess who's learning the British slang... THIS BITCH RIGHT HERE!" I say flinging my middle finger up in the air, flipping him off

"Oh good for you! Doesn't make you any less of a bitch!" He comes back with

"Why are you such a dickhead?!"

"I'm not a dickhead..." He mutters

"Ohh. That's right... You're a SQUARE head!" I say grabbing the wet pillow from the couch and ditching it at Will.

He attempts to catch it but he misses.

I laugh slightly at how thick he is.

But suddenly, something happened. Will's glare seemed to kinda... Fade. Like he was... Relaxing?

He even popped a small smile. Was he... Enjoying himself?

Noooo he's too uptight to enjoy anything. Especially anything that involves you

He reaches down beside him and grabbed the pillow, a wet spot had formed underneath where it had began to soak into the floor.

I put my hands up in surrender playfully.

Will smirked

"What are you doing?" I giggle ever so slightly

"Call me that again..." He says. Smirking evily

"What? Will?..."

"No... Before that" he continues to smirk, holding the dripping soft material in this hands

"Why?... What are you going to do?... SQUARE HEAD!!" I declare and he hurls the the pillow at me and I reach for the blanket that's wrapped around me

The battleground had become a little too real.

It was extremely intense, considering we were just throwing wet pillows at each other.

For once I was actually having fun when in the presence of Will.

God it's like I'm not even around Will when he's like this... So... Relaxed

And so hot...

I'm sorry... WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT. My thoughts were going fucking crazy.... LITERALLY

Alright.... Just ignore that

"Ow! Fuck Will! Too rough" I say as a pillow hits me in the face

I grab my face in pain. The corner had hit me right in the eye.

"Oh my God! I'm sorry I..." His tone changes and he pauses

Wait was he trying to be nice?... Like... he cared?

"I should... Go back to bed... I've got stuff to, do... Tomorrow" he says, rubbing the back of his neck

"Yeah yeah.. me too. Can I uh... Have a dry pillow and stuff?"

"Yeah sure. Here's a towel and pillow and blanket and stuff" he says throwing me a pile of bedding from his own bed

He looked around the room, avoiding eye contact with me at all costs.

He turned the light back off and I stuffed the several blankets underneath me to stop the water getting to me.

I was surprised at how much Will was so... Not Will.

He was acting like a real person, not the devil himself.

I lay awake for what felt like hours... thinking about how Will made me feel when Will wasn't acting like Will.

When he acted like that, I felt different. Like I could actually believe he wasn't an asshole. Like maybe he was just having a bad year.

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