7| Good Fucking Morning

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Suggested Song: Sober by P!nk

Carmen's POV

I walked out into the living area with my hoodie and jeans roughly shoved on.

My hoodie over my head. They were still slightly wet.

Everyone else was sitting on the kitchen stools eating breakfast and talking.

Nice little roommate thing they had going on here.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked the time.

Wow everyone was up surprisingly early.

Was I the only one who didn't enjoy the early morning wake up?

What the actual fuck?!

"Morning Carmen" Alex greets

"Hey" I reply, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

I hadn't slept well since Will played his little "Prank" on me

I move over to everyone and occupy the last empty seat. It was oddly warm.

"I gotta go. George, Josh and I are going out. See you guys later" James says as they get up and walk out the door.

"That's my seat, Alabama. So skoot" I hear Will utter from behind me

"Where am I supposed to sit?" I say shuffling off

"Outside?" He says, smirking as he turns the stool to face me

"Dick..." I mutter under my breath

"Good fucking morning to you too, Lanburg" he says sarcastically as I move over to the lounge and plonk down on the couch

I hear the squeak of a stool in the kitchen behind me and soon after Alex sits down beside me too.

"So, how'd you sleep?" He asks, facing me

"Alright... I guess" I say turning around to glare at Will, but quickly turning back after realising he was already starting at me.

"Well that's good. Hope Will didn't bother you too much" Alex carries on. I sneakily poke my middle finger over the back of the couch at Will

I hear him scoff and I smile to myself.

"No he was lovely" I say as I sneakily poke my middle finger over the back of the couch at Will

I hear him scoff in defeat and I smile at my victory.

"Well I'm glad he was nice to you" Alex says looking back at Will who had continued to glare at me


"So how come last night you didn't call your roommate? Do you how a roommate back at the dorms?" Alex questions

"Unfortunately I do. She's a pretty rich girl though. Thinks shes entitled to everything. I hate being there" that was the God awful truth.

I hated living there with Martha. God I hated living there full stop.

"Oh. That sucks" Alex says, looking down a bit awkwardly

"Why don't you move out from the dorms then?" I hear Will call from the kitchen

"Well... Because I have no where else to go" I reply, not even daring to look his way. I only looked down at my lap, excepting the cold hard truth.

My parents moved here from LA when I was about 11. When I was 18, Mum decided to move back there to be with family.

She gave me the option to, but I already made my mind up. I wanted to go to Loughborough University.

So she moved back to California and left me behind.

No family here to help if something goes wrong. And honestly, that scared me shitless.

"You must have someone?" Alex says, focusing my attention back to him

I look up at him quickly but move my attention back to my lap as I begin to twiddle my thumbs nervously.

These guys must think I'm a loser...

"No... I really don't. I have the campus, and my dorm with my roommate, that I don't particularly like. And a family that mostly doesn't like me or approve of anything I do, parents that never agreed, mental issues and a friend who thinks sleeping with a guy she likes is more important than standing up for her friend that is having a panic attack at a party where she knows no one. It's not an exciting life...but it's my life" I get carried away. But I suddenly stop myself realising my anger creeping through.

I don't dare to look up. I just stare at my lap while I wait patiently for someone to say something... ANYTHING.

But instead, everything stays quiet.

Not even a sniggering comment was made by Will.

I look up at Alex and he is just looking back at me.

Will seems to be doing the same.

"Oh... That sucks Carmen. I'm sorry to hear that" he says looking down as well

I look back at Will, but this time instead of being met with his gaze, his back is turned and he's pretending I don't exist.

I sigh and stand up

"Thanks Alex, for everything. I appreciate you letting me stay here. But I have a class at 12, and I should go get ready" I say

He looks up at me and smiles.

"No problem. I'll see you around the campus" he replies and I smile

I walk over to the front door, walking passed Will who is still sitting in the kitchen quietly.

I reach for the door handle and turn it, hearing the click and pulling it back slightly.

But instead of walking out, I pause.

I turn around and look back at Will. He still refuses to look at me.

Say something! You can't just walk out!!

"Um... Thanks Will. For, you know... Sharing your room with me" I say awkwardly looking at him

He looks back at me for a brief second then back at the bench

"Don't mention it ,Alabama" he replies

Even though he's not looking at me, I can see him smirking down at the bench to himself.

I smile slightly and turn back to the door.

With that, I walked out. Leaving Alex and Will alone.

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