54| A Bad Situation

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Suggested Song: Where Your Secrets Hide by Klergy

Carmen's POV

I hoped in the front seat next to Will. Gee and Kirsty had decided they weren't to fancy on driving. As I stretch my seatbelt over me, Will hands me the aux cord.

I plug it into my phone and scroll through Spotify. I put it on shuffle, leaning my face against the window. Blood//Water by Grandson comes on. I slightly tap my foot as Will pulls out of the driveway.

"Where we going to then Gee?" Will asks, glancing in the rearview mirror.

"A place called Gracia Esperanza Mall" She responds. I turn to face her for a split second.

"What does Gracia Esperanza mean?" I ask

"I think it means grace and hope in Spanish" She replies and I nod

Will hands me his phone as we turn a corner. I look at it and trace a small scratch with my finger.

"Can you please search up directions?" He says, not looking up from the road.

I hold up his phone to his face and press the home button. It unlocks quickly and it immediately brings up an Instagram conversation. It's with some girl. I hover my finger over the home button, but I suddenly stop.

Certain words catch my eye and I pause to read. I know that's awful. But I couldn't help myself.

I shift over slightly, out of Will's sight and read the messages on screen.

I shift over slightly, out of Will's sight and read the messages on screen

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My heart thumbed in my chest as my hands shook. My body knew I wasn't supposed to be doing this. It sounded like Will was going on a date with some girl. I frown at the screen. And a sudden sinking feeling settled in.

I don't know why, but I didn't like this girl. She was now my enemy.

But they were talking about Will liking another girl. I wonder who. And why was he just ignoring the feelings he already has for some other girl. I sigh and glance at Will.

"You got them up yet?" He suddenly asks and snaps me out of thought.

"N-no I was just... Turning your data onto maps. It was off for some reason"  I nervously respond. He just nods.

I press the home button and quickly rush into maps. I searched up the name and it immediately clicked to an address. It was in the city center. I turned the volume up and slid it into the phone holder resting on the dashboard.

"Cool thanks" He quickly says as he turns the corner

My phone just keeps playing music. Multiple songs come and go. I just snuggle up against the window, watching the scenery go from hills and spaced out mansions, to farming land, then kick back into built up areas leading to the city.

The city was quite big. It was full of shopping groups and flashing lights. Multiple signs lined with Spanish advertising come into sight then disappear again.

I think about the texts I saw. I know I shouldn't have been snooping into Will's business. But a feeling of loss and resentment filled me after that.

It was so strong it almost made me want to get away from him.

Was this jealousy?

Was I feeling in hate of Will and that girl because I was afraid she would take him away? But that was stupid. I didn't care about Will. We weren't friends.

I hate him. And I had ever since I met him.

But if that was true. Then why did I feel such a passion for him? A passion that wasn't hate.

I sighed and leant my head in my hands. I was unsure of these feelings. It made me afraid of Will. He could manipulate me in a way no one else could. A way that made me afraid. Because if he wanted to, he could make me do bad things.

Things I didn't want to do.

I squeezed my thighs tightly together as I looked up at Will. He didn't notice my glances. He just stared forward. I furrowed my eyebrows. I dug my finger nails into left wrist. It shot pain down my arm. My breathing was heavy and nervous.

What was he doing to me? Why was I hurting myself in his name? And why couldn't I stop? I tugged at my jeans and tried to run from myself.

I was like a child. Feeling feelings I had never felt before. Ones that dwelled below and boiled my rage. So instead of facing the beast, I turned and ran.

Salvation didn't exist. It had turned and ran from me. Just as I did to it.

I breathed out. I had to let myself calm down. I was torturing my own representation of myself. It was me sitting in that blood stained chair, surrounded by a dark room.

And standing in the corner holding a rusting black knife, twirling it around and slowly moving towards me, was myself.

I had to stop. Before I unfolded completely in this car.

"Carmen" A gentle touch awoke me from my nightmare. Will was glancing back and forth between me and the road as he spoke. "Are you ok?" He asked

My mouth was open as my watery eyes looked down at his hand on my thigh. My heart races faster and faster. I glared down at his hand.

I moved my thigh slightly and he snapped back into reality.

"I'm fine" I said, snapping my head to look out the window.

Wills hand quickly moved away from my thigh and silence raised like a house fire. My entire thigh starts to tingle as a numbness sets in.

"S-sorry" He quickly backtracks and stares out the front window awkwardly.

After a few minutes of complete silence, Gee and Kirsty start whispering in the back, then giggling. I look in the rearview mirror, but they are ducking down suspiciously. I frown slightly. But decide to drop it.

We pull into the busy parking lot, lined with expensive BMWs and Audi's.

As Will parks, I hop out of the car and Gee and Kirsty do that same thing. Will locks the car, and slowly, we all start walking to the entrance. We walk into the thriving mall. It's light up with all sorts of signs written in both Spanish and English.

Laughing groups pass us and Gee leads us into a huge clothing store. It was like K-mart, but the shelves were lined with Gucci and Victoria Secret.

It was strange. But I guess this was a normal thing in Ibiza.

We walk over to the huge lingerie section. Beautiful bras and panties line the racks all around us. Gee stops us and gathers us into a small group.

"So here's the deal. Stephen wants us home by four thirty. So in order to cut time, because I have stuff I want to get too. Kirsty is going to go with me and Will you're gonna help Carmen find some lingerie" She says.

Will's mouth drops and Gee just smirks at me. I knew she did that on purpose.

"But I-" Will starts, but Gee quickly shuts him down

"You're a guy. You know what guys like. Help her. And she'll..." She pauses and looks me up and down with a smirk "Model it for you..." She grins and Kirsty giggles slightly

Will just stares at me nervously. I glare at Gee.

"Well. Get to it kids. See you later" She smiles and her and Kirsty walk off, leaving Will and I in the worst possible situation...

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