13| Lack Of Smile

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Suggested Song: Carmen by Lana Del Ray

Carmen's POV

I walked out of the apartment and stood outside. The cold night air surrounded me. Lines of cars passed by, as the loud city traffic left memories. I walked to the curb, looking deeply at the road.

I felt like if one of those cars suddenly span out of control and hit me, I wouldn't mind.


I slowly lowed myself to the edge of the curb again, still watching the cars move in between each other. I didn't feel sad, I just felt empty. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I picked it up.

Sarah was calling.

I answered the phone and put it up to my ear.

Carmen: "Yeah?..."

Sarah: "Hey. Where are you? I came to your dorm to celebrate and you aren't even here"

Carmen: "I'm uh... Not in the mood to celebrate Sarah. And I'm... Just out"

Sarah: "Carmen what's wrong? Talk to me"

Carmen: "Nothing's wrong. Just... I'm tired"

Sarah: "Ok well. Come to my dorm. We can celebrate with some movies and alcohol"

Carmen: "That doesn't sound to bad actually. I'll see you in about an hour"

I sigh and hang up the phone, stuffing it back in my pocket. I get up off the curb and start walking down the street. The city lights shine down on my face and I breathe in the smells from the busy restaurants around me.

I stuff my hands in my pockets and pick up my pace, trying to get to Sarah quicker.


I run up the dormitories stairs and open the door. I walk upstairs and head to Sarah's door. I knock gently and the door flies open. Sarah is standing on the other side smiling like are maniac.

"Are you ready for some fun?" Her smile intensifies and I step back slightly

"Yeah?" I say, afraid of what would happen if I said no

"Good" she says grabbing my arm and pulling me inside, slamming the door behind us

The room is dark and it takes a couple of minutes for my eyes to adjust. When they adjust my heart picks up pace and I smile. Sarah had gone all out and set up the room like a year eight slumber party.

Blankets and pillows were draped over chairs and the TV in a fort like manner. Cleo sat curled up in a cute blanket ball, in front of the TV. There was a mattress thrown on the floor covered in blankets and pillows. In front of the TV was a bottle of raspberry Vodka, snacks and a bunch of comedy movies.

"Holy fuck! Now we're talking!!" I say and jump on the mattress next to Cleo.

"Congrats of the subs, Carmen" Cleo says smiling sweetly from under her blanket

"Thanks Cleo" I say hugging her

Sarah plonks down beside me and quickly turns the TV on. Cleo cracks open the bottle of vodka and pours me and shot in the plastic shot glasses they bought. I open a bag of chips and start munching away.

This felt nice. Just the three of us.

I think that Sarah and I should probably start including Cleo in a lot more things.  She was fun and kind.

A genuine person.

Now that I think about it, I dont think Cleo doesn't hang out with people because she doesn't want to, I think it's sadly more she doesn't have many people to hang out with.

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