65| Escape Me

183 7 3

Carmen's POV

I think the worst part of holidays, is that sinking feeling you get the next morning, when you wake up in your own bed, in your own room. It's like the final 'Your holiday is over, buddy'.

I slithered out of my room and into the kitchen to find a cup of coffee to drink and forget my sorrows. Will, George and James were still asleep. But Alex was watching Netflix so I decided to sit down with him.

"So how are your morning after holiday blues?" Alex asks

"Ass" I respond

"Yeah... Same" He adds "So Will said you are going to California in about a week or so?"

"Yeah" I respond "I think Will is coming with me"

"Yeah he mentioned that. Is everything alright over there?" He asks

I look down at my hands and then back up at Alex and nod.

"You've got class this morning, don't you?" Alex adds after a small pause

I nod and look at my phone time.

"In about an hour" I reply "I should probably get ready actually"

I smile at Alex and stand up, wandering back to my room. I was still quite tired, but I new I should kick back into my school work considering I didn't have Sarah to take notes for me in classes anymore.

I dig through my closet for some clean clothes and stumble upon some light blue jeans and a sweater. I slide it on head to the bathroom. I snuck passed everyone's rooms quietly. I knew they were catching up on some well deserved sleep.

As I brush my teeth, I think about how awkward class was going to be. Sarah and Cleo were in the same class, meaning I had to face them at some point.

I know that it wouldn't be as bad as I dreaded. But I couldn't stop thinking about it.

I missed them.

As I walked back out of the bathroom, I guess I wasn't looking. I collided with Will and we both stumble back slightly.

"Ow! Shit... Sorry. I wasn't paying attention" I say as I hold my hand in my sore forehead.

"Nah. It's fine... It just hurt a lot" He giggles tiredly

I smile and shuffle passed him back into the lounge where Alex is still sitting and watching TV. I walk over to him and grab my phone off the couch.

"Can I borrow your car?" I ask him

He goes to say something but Will quickly calls out from the kitchen and interrupts him.

"No. I'll take you. I'm heading that way anyways. Gotta go see Stephen" He says and I look back at Alex who just smiles and shrugs

I walk over to the kitchen and sit in a stool across from where Will is putting his phone on charge.

"Thank you" I say and he gives a short smile in response

"Just let me grab my hoodie and we'll go" He says before leaving the kitchen back down the hall

I sigh and pull my phone out of my pocket to scroll through Instagram to see what was happening in everyone elses life. Happy selfie exchanged between friends seemed to be a reoccurring trend to torture my current worry. I continued to scroll down, hoping to find something that wasn't so positive.

I slam my phone down on the bench in frustration and hold my head in my hands.

"Guess Twitter isn't interesting this morning" George says form behind me as he stumbles out of the hallway and into the kitchen.

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