17| Who is He

340 7 1

Suggested Song: Improve by Daughter

Carmen's POV

I woke up cuddling a pillow and ball of blanket. At first I panicked about where I was, but soon I registered to the familiar room.

How much did Alex argue with Will about this then?

I sat up fully and rubbed my eyes. It was a good thing u wasn't a big makeup person. I pulled my messy hair back into a messy ponytail and slithered out of bed.

It was much warmer under the covers, but I had to get up eventually. I grabbed my phone off the night stand and checked the time, worried it was late.

Phew... It's only 7:48am

I walk over to Will's bathroom and splash some water on my face. Maybe it was a good idea to go to class today. I didn't want to. But I had a class that Sarah wasn't in, so I wouldn't be able to steal notes off her later.

And besides, Martha didn't have that class either, so I could just avoid her completely and I would be fine.

I dry my face and close the bathroom door behind me. I walk out of Will's room and into the main area. Everyone is up and just hanging out around the kitchen. I walk out and Alex smiles at me.

"Morning" I mutter tiredly and everyone replies back

I sit in the empty stool beside Will and George. It speaks under my weight as I move.

"So, did you enjoy my bed last night?" Will says looking at me and raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah I... Thanks Will" I said smiling at him genuinely

He looked at me surprised. He even cracks a small smile himself.

"Well then you're welcome" he says looking back at his drink and taking a sip

I put my phone on the bench and slide off my stool. I need to pee.  I walk down the hallway, to the bathroom and do my business. While I wash my hands, I look in the mirror and look at the funny red mark pattern left on my face from sleeping on my face funny.

I trace over the mark with my wet hands. I walk over to the towel and dry my hands, before walking out of the bathroom and back out to the kitchen.

As I walk back in the kitchen, Alex looks up at me and glares. Shocked, I stop in my tracks and stare at everyone confused.

"See! Look! There's more!" Will exclaims

"What the actual fuck?!" George responds and I walk over to see what's going on.

To my surprise, my phone is lit up and Will's scrolling through messages I've received as everyone crowds around.

"What the fuck?!" I say snatching my phone away

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