57| Weird Feelings

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Suggested Song: Darling I Do by Landon Piggs & Lucy Schwartz (Yes it's the song from Shrek. But it's a good movie ok)

Carmen's POV

I danced around the empty house by myself. My feet moved in tune with the beautiful music as I spun happily around tables, chairs and benches. A smile on my face and a beat in my heart.

I didn't know what this feeling was. But it was beautiful and warm.

It made me nervous and cuddly. For once I felt like I could sit in a room of people and talk to each one for hours. I felt amazing inside and pretty outside. My eyes were sparkling despite the fact that my eyes were closed.

Last night had replayed in my head over and over again.

That feeling I got when Will touched me, and suddenly my entire hand went numb. The tingle that run down my spine when he smiled at me. And that perfect fill of an empty hole that had been there for years when he looked at me, and told me he could finally call me a friend. Everything had replayed like a tv series in my mind through the movie, in the car on the way home, as I lay in bed, and when I fell asleep, it kept playing in my dreams.

I couldn't believe the relationship we had built from hate.

Will couldn't even touch me without my legs shaking and going numb. It was crazy. And it made me feel sick. But in a good way. The type of sick you pray for on a shit school day, so you can prove you have a temperature and sleep off that empty feeling. It was good. A life saver.

"Wow... You're happy" I heard Gee say from behind me

I turn and go red. I didn't know she was back. But luckily, it was just her. No one else was home. She jogs over and grabs my hands, spinning me playfully.

"So what has made you so cheerful, Carmen" She smiles at me. I stare down at my socks, uncontrollably smiling.

"Nothing" I finally choke out through a giggle. She giggles at me and hugs me tightly.

"You're so silly. I love you though" She giggles "Oh by the way. We are going out clubbing tonight. Stephen's actual Birthday tomorrow" She smiles

"Is that why everyone is out this morning?" I ask

She nods and smiles at me, before letting go of my hands and walking into the lounge, still in my sight. I follow her and she turns on the TV. I plonk down beside her and she quickly turns to me, grinning.

"So... Are you and Will dating yet?" She grins

I cough awkwardly and stare at her, my cheeks heating at uncontrollable temperatures.

"What?!" I abruptly blurt out

"Oh come on, Carmen. I can see you have a crush on him" She grins wider

"N-no! I don't! He makes me feel... Weird... But not because I'm... In love with... Will" I dart my eyes back and forth over the room. She nudges me playfully and giggles

"Sure sure, Carmen. One day you'll have to except that feeling you feel around that boy is love" She says and faces back to the TV.

I think about what she said as I twirl my fingers together in a loose knot and watch TV. I couldn't stop the thoughts.

Was that what I am feeling?

Was the feeling I get from Will, love?


Surely not

I've spent more than half my life hating him

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