34| Christopher

311 7 15


Ok so I am officially shook. The other day I was listening to Joji right? And I was thinking that he looked slightly familiar. So I searched him up and there was old pictures of him and I thought about how much he looked like Filthy Frank, but then in the related searches it came up with Filthy Frank, and it turns out its because he's the same fricken person!! Like what?! All my friends already knew, but I still can't get over that Filthy Frank is serious now. His music is mad though. Lol sorry, moving on.

Carmen's POV

We walk into the full Starbucks and are immediately surrounded by people who gave me mega high school flash backs.


Bitches everywhere...

Tall, tight perfect girls sat in skinny jeans and short tops with lattes balanced perfectly in their hands as they sat and talked shit about that one time...

The other people in the shops, were soccer Mom's in yoga pants, and girls boyfriends, looking like they were on the brink of blowing their brains out.

I looked around. More like glared. But all these girls sat and talked shit.

"Geez... I see why you hate these places..." Will whispered over my shoulder as we lined up.

I turned around and faced him. Our faces only centremetres away from each other.

"Yeah..." I whispered back, still looking around.

He crept up beside me and stood close. Our shoulders touched as we waited.

"I'm excited to hear what Stevens got to say. I hope it's something good" I smile looking up at Will.

"Yeah. Same" He looks back at me, slightly startled by my smile.

But he quickly looks forward again before it had the opportunity to get weird.

As the back of the line fades closer, so does Will. Now I can feel his shoulder pressing firmly against mine.

I see the nervous look on his face, as I try to stay still.

I see Will look down at me for a split second, then quickly look away before I can 'notice'

"So uh... Do you still wanna do that video?" Will asks

I look up at him and smile.

"Yeah. Just tell me when and where and I'll be happy to do one on both our channels"

I was afraid of my steps. My heart. My feelings. Where was this feeling that Will hd been leading me towards ending up.

Highschool had been hell for me.

Will had created my hell, then turned it into nothing but heaven.

I feeling that warmed my heart like silk on silk.

As we stepped up to the front of the line, Will looked at me and asked my order.

"Um... A caramel macchiato" I say to the cashier

He smiles and writes it down on a note pad. As Will orders his, I'm started as someone touches my arm and spins me around.

"O.m.g... are you Chronix?!? Like the famous YouTuber?!" A boy about the same as me screams.

He is with a group of girls who squealed loudly and danced around.

This particular boy was dressed well. His hair rocked the messy look. Not square and boring, but not ungroomed and disgusting.

The Ones That Are Broken // WillneWhere stories live. Discover now