47| The Morning

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Okay I'm sorry I took a couple days to update. I have literally written the last chapter, that has over three thousand words, eight times. Not even fucking joking. For some reason Wattpad keeps on deleting everything I've written. It's pissing me off big time. So I'm really sorry about being a bit slack. But I have written chapter 46, so many times that my phone is literally writing it for me when I tap the suggestion bar because it's used to writing it😑 So sorry for that rant, but I needed to express my frustration.

Carmen's POV

When I get out of the bathroom, Will is standing up, glaring at the door with his fists clenched so tight I thought he was going to punch something.

He turns and looks at me with a look of rage, but it quickly fades. I smile at him and he smiles back.

I look out the window then back at Will as he sits down and looks down in his lap with a tight glare.

"Are you... Ok?" I ask walking a few steps towards him

He looks up at me with puppy dog eyes, then looks down at his lap again.

"I'm fine. Just JJ being an ass" He responds

"What did he do?"

I was curious as to what JJ had done that had set Will off this much. I had seen him mad, but not like this.

"Came in here acting like he fucking owned the place then started talking about..." He paused from his rant and looked at me

"About...?" I repeat

"Nothing. It doesn't matter. But he is just acting like a right twat" He says giving in and sitting back down on the bed with a sigh.

"Maybe we should... Go downstairs and see how everyone else is going" I suggest

"No. I don't wanna go down and see that asshole right now. You can go, but I'm staying here" He responds, not daring to glance over at me.

I nod and take my hair out of the damp bun it was scrunched into. I run my fingers through it gently. I grab my phone off the bed side table and open the door to go downstairs.

As I walk down the stairs, I hear a few people talking from the lounge. I peak in and see Gee, James, George, Callum, Stephen and Alex sitting and watching Family Guy.

I walk in and a few greet me. I smile in return and sit down next to Gee.

"Where's Will?" George says looking over at me

"Upstairs. He's fucking wigging out over something JJ did" I respond glancing over for a second.

Stephen looks over at me slightly concerned and pauses the TV that they are all watching.

"What do you mean?" Stephen says as a few of them sigh.

"I'm not sure what happened. I was in the shower. But apparently JJ came into our room and things were said and next thing I know Will is yelling about how he's a twat" I respond and Stephen looks down at his lap

"I'll talk to them both" He says finally

I nod.

"Now can you please un-pause it?" George whines tiredly

Stephen agrees and fiddles with the remote until it starts playing again. I just sit and watch.


It was about three in the morning now. Each of us one by one had been walking off to bed. Now the only ones left were George, James, Gee and myself.

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