32| Runaway Kid

299 10 4

I am super proud of this chapter! I've worked super hard on making it perfect. I really hope you like it❤️

Also!!! I'm super siked! My book was ranked #1 for Willne for quite a while!! That is a HUGE ranking achievement (at least I think. But honestly I have no idea how the ranking works so it might not even mean anything😂)

Suggested Song: Runaway by AURORA

3rd Person POV

Carmen ran through the trees, dodging the different risen roots and fallen branches. Her heart beat accelerated with every step she took. She clasped her phone tightly in one hand, and the car keys in the other.

Her ankles ached as she lept and bounded over destroyed wilderness. Her cheeks were flustered as she pushed on. When she came to the foot of the building, she stopped, looking up curiously.

Praying that Will was there.

She spotted the front door that was usually opened, but it seemed to be boarded up. She quickly raced over, tearing her hands at the wood, try to get in.

Her hands started bleeding as she went, the skin tore and bruised. She grabbed at the wood desperately trying to break it.

She needed to know if Will was in there.

The wood slowly started to creak, then break down to her feet. When the original door frame was emptied and clear, she raced in, speeding up the crumbling stairs.

The walls and roof peeled, crumbling down onto her shoulders and hair as she ran. When she reached the second floor, she quickly returned to a run as she raced down the hall to the last room at the end of the corridor.

When she reached the open room, she was relieved.

Will sat in the room just like the night a couple days before, his legs dangling over the hole in the wall that looked over the forest floor. She slowly walked in behind him, watching ever step her feet took.

She held her breath as she pretended she was walking a tight rope as she stepped over the single plank that bridged the considerably big gapping hole, leading only down to the first floor.

She looked down, sticking her hands out like plane wings as she balanced over the cracking wood.

As she stepped, she thought about all the previous times before where she would always think about the fact that one day, the wood would fall, and probably trap her under rumble in the first floor.

Leaving her stranded for days, weeks, months, maybe even years, alone. Withering away like the abandoned hospital floors she lay on.

Will looked back at her, with an expression she could only explain as like he knew she was coming. When she finally reached the other side of the hole, she walked over gently to where Will sat.

The sweet Summer breeze brushed over his face, lighting up his features. She looked only at him, nothing else. Eventually he looked back.

"Look... The sunset is beautiful up here, like" He uttered pointing at the sky.

She looked out at the huge missing wall and noticed for the first time, the beautiful pinks, yellows and oranges that painted the sky. She felt her eyes sparkle through the stunning colors that shone from nothing more than heaven itself.

"Wow... It's... Beautiful..." She spoke softly, like someone she had been friends with for years.

Her heart fluttered gently with the breeze that blow through her hair like a soft whisper.

The Ones That Are Broken // WillneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora