63| You Didn't Kill Me

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This chapter is heavily relying on a previous chapter for details. So if you are not sure what's happening, read Chapter 40| The Dreams, The Truth, for a bit of a reminder❤️

Suggested Song: Its OK, I Wouldn't Remember Me Either by Crywank

Will's POV

"Carmen!" I breathe out as I wake up in cold sweats

I look around and feel my surroundings as I registered that I was back in Ibiza. Everything was fine and Carmen was beside me, asleep. My eyes begin water as I five at Carmen and hug her tightly.

I feel her move under me as she wakes up, and looks up at me confused.

"Uh... Good morning?" She says as she frowns at me slightly

I didn't care. I was so happy to see her okay and alive. That nightmare felt so real. I was afraid to let her go again. I snuggled my head into her as she moves uncomfortably.

"Are you okay...?" She eventually asks, slightly pushing me away

I let go and look up at her. Tears in my eyes were dwelling. I didn't want to cry in front of her, but I wasn't able to help myself.

That nightmare was horrible. The worst one I had ever had.

Carmen's POV

"No..." Will chokes out through small tears

I sit up and pull him into a hug. This was weird. What was even going on. I let go and he wipes under his eyes slightly and breaths.

"Now... Tell me what's going on" I say calmly and he nods

"Well... You know those dreams I t-told you about when you and... Sarah fought?" He starts and I nod

"I had one last n-night... B-but it was different..."

"How?" I say curious and scared

"This time... The dark figure was me... Like it was me... Killing you..." He says and looks up at me, a solemn look in his eyes

I pause and look down. What did this all mean? Why was Will having these dreams? Why was I in every one?

"It started off like a normal school day, but when I got to school, everyone was sad... And everyone kept mentioning 'The horrible thing that happened last week'... Then some stuff happened and I went to the councillors office... She told me you had committed suicide and that it was my fault... So I ran away and some how... Ended up in a house... Your house... And I found you upstairs, trying to hurt yourself... I tried to stop you but I couldn't... Something wouldn't let me and... I looked in the mirror... I saw the black figure that appears in all my dreams... Staring back at me... Like it was me... Then... You died and I could... Finally get to you... that's when I woke up. It was like... Something was trying to tell me I had... Killed you" He explains

I frown at him as something drops in my stomach. He looked so distressed and hurt. I gently touched his arm and he looked up at me, and focused.

"You didn't kill me... I'm right here, Will... I always will be... Probably" I slightly smile and Will starts to smile, looking into my eyes

It looked like something in his mind clicked. Like something bad drained from him and he could see the sun again. I knew that feeling. The feeling of freedom from... Well... The dark

I pulled him into a hug again as he clenched me tightly, like he was afraid to let go of me. I couldn't even imagine having a dream about something like that. But he was okay now. Because he was awake.



A small knock on the door made us let go as Stephen quietly opened the door and poked his head in.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I was wondering if you guys were coming down for breakfast. George and Alex are making pancake... sludge... mess... but it's good, I think" He says as he smiles, looking slightly afraid though

"Oh?" I say

I slither out of bed as Stephen closes the door again and walk over to the closet. I slip on some jeans, and a hoodie, not even thinking of Will's presence. I turn back to see him staring me up and down awkwardly.

My cheeks heat up as quickly slip my jeans on and Will notices how uncomfortable I am.

"Relax... Nothing I haven't seen of you before" He smirks at me playfully and I awkwardly smile

I stretches and slithers out of bed. He got changed as I went to the bathroom. Then we head downstairs together, with the sweet smell of maple pancakes.


Hey thanks for reading❤️ I'm really worried that the last two chapters are shit. But I'm trying to lead them into the story. So I apologise if they aren't that good of a read as the other chapters, but I can't seem to write well at the moment. Hopefully you enjoy though❤️

The Ones That Are Broken // WillneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora