49| Hot Ibiza Weather

296 10 4

Suggested Song: Body by Loud Luxury

Carmen's POV

It was about three in the afternoon. Gee, Will, James, Chip, Alex, George and I had been chilling in the pool to cool off. Despite the fact that I'm from Cali, I was used to England weather.

The hot Ibiza climate was like being stuck in an oven and left to die. I was ready to quite already, and go home to the cold rainy days.

Nah. That was a lie. I loved the rain. But in England, you get a bit sick of constant rainy day activities.

Stephen and the rest of the group weren't back from city shopping yet.

They must have blown their entire budget there. Then again, they get bigger views than me, so I imagine they just have a fuck ton of money to blow.

I floated around on my back in the water, ignoring the quiet chatting around me.

The water was nice and cold. But not too cold luckily.

"Are you guys drinking tonight?" Alex asks, and I float back onto my back to look at him and the rest of the group.

"Fuck yeah, dude" George responds immediately.

Alex playfully rolls his eyes as though he knew George was going to respond with that exact comment.

"Yeah. I think so. But I don't want to spend the rest of the holiday with my head in the toilet" Chip responds and Gee nods her head in agreement

Will nodded with the group, admitting he was also planning on drinking a bit. Alex suddenly looks at me, and slowly the rest of the group follow his gaze to me.

"What about you, Carmen? You planning on drinking?" Gee asks, looking at me.

"Yeah. I'm planning on getting so shit faced I don't remember my name" I respond looking out to the city in the distance.

No one responded. I looked back at them all to see what was happening and they were all staring point blank at me.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Carmen. If you don't drink often, it might hit you a little harder than you think" Gee says, moving towards me

George rolls his eyes and floats over to me as well. He puts his hand on my shoulder and looks at the rest of the group.

"Come on guys. If she wants to drink, let her drink" George says and let's go of my shoulder

"Hey guys, we're back" Stephen says from the back door with bags and bags full of shopping.

We all respond with a resounding 'hello'.

"We got some stuff for you's too, come inside" Callum says, poking his head around Stephen and smiling.

Gee, George, James, Alex and Chip all climb around us to get out as they quickly rushed over to the back door and inside.

I was about to climb out of the pool when I felt a hand grab my arm. I turn back to see a concerned Will.

He looked at me for a serious second then started to talk. "Please be careful, Carmen. Gee is right. You don't drink often, so alcohol is gonna hit you a lot harder than it will hit the rest of us" He continued on to say.

I looked away for a second to think, then I turned around fully to face him.

"Will, I want to just drink to forget tonight. I don't want to think about Cleo, or Sarah, or my Mum. I just want to forget" I reply

He looks at me, and slowly nods.

I think he felt the same way. This trip was to help forget everything.

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