51| Whiskey

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Carmen's POV

I had been dancing with a small glass of whiskey for the last hour. Gee was by my side. Along with a bunch of guys who would touch and fall on me constantly.

But I was too hammered to mind. It was slow motion dancing. The sort you see in movies and music videos.

A dark club full of moving bodies and colourful flashing lights and the sweat drips down your face and thighs. Not a care in the world. The bass thumbing in normal time, despite the fact that everything was in slow motion.

I had lost all control of my arms, and Gee was the same.

But she had fallen more into the giggle faze. Gee was have a great old time. Laughing at literally every little thing like she had just taken drugs for the first time.

A gross mixture of sweat, cheap cologne, and spirits were saturating everything. I could only imagine how I was going to smell without a shower tomorrow. I could feel so many other bodies and hands touching my waist and hips.

The music only got louder as the night got darker.

My one man party was interrupted when I felt someone grab me, but this time it was intentional.

I turn around to see Stephen.

"Sorry Carmen! Just wanted to say that we are all gathering over in the lounge! You and Gee coming?!" He yells over the music and Gee stops dancing to lean her head on my shoulder.

"Ok cool! I'll meet you there in a sec!" I yell back and he smiles and walks off.

Gee squeals in excitement and hugs me tightly. I could smell the liquor on her breath. I could only imagine what mine must have smelt like. I had drunk way more than Gee.

I knew I was going to wake up with a mega migraine tomorrow. Might as well drink as much as possible before I have to spend the rest of these two weeks with my head in the toilet bowl, offering it all of my insides.

I grabbed Gee's wrist and smiled. We both slowly shuffled over to the lounge. The music slowly becomes more distant as we reach the open lounge.

Inside everyone was gathered around one table, drinking liquor and eating chips.

Gee and I stumbled over with a grin and giggle on our faces.

I was really enjoying Gee's company. She was amazing. She was so positive. And oddly, I could feel that carelessness rubbing off the more and more I hang out with her.

"So what's happening?" Gee and I finally ask, our arms interlocked.

"We were going to head off to a nightclub a few buildings down. Apparently it's way nicer and bigger. Wanna come check it out?" Callum says as JJ sculls a shot next to him

Gee and I both nod, before looking at each other, smirking, then bursting into full laughter again.

We were not even sure what was funny. But just tell sight of each other was enough to make us both crack up into uncomfortable fits of laughter.

So before the night was over, we all shuffled down to street a bit to tell next nightclub.

It was huge.

I immediately take my phone out of my purse and take a photo of the beautiful exterior.

I can feel the cold night air brushing passed my face and trough my hair that was now practically soaking from all the dancing Gee and I had done the last couple of hours.

It was twelve o'clock and I wasnt even close to going home. I wasn't nearly drunk enough

"This is amazing!" Gee excitedly exclaims as we entered the door into the loud booming music.

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