52| Night Alone

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Carmen's POV

It had been a couple of days since that second night. It had gone fast, but I was enjoying the feeling of days passing without my worry.

I had long gotten rid of my horrible hangover.

But I was beginning to miss Cleo and Sarah a lot. It felt empty without them. And when I didn't have constant distraction, my mind would always wonder back to them.

It was about nine at night. I was sitting in the lounge alone. Everyone else had gone out drinking and partying again. Not me. I had decided tonight was not my night.

I was watching a movie when my phone went off.

I was watching a movie when my phone went off

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I smiled and shut off my phone again

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I smiled and shut off my phone again. I knew it would be a while till everyone was home again so I shuffled upstairs and grabbed the  blanket off our bed.

I dragged it back downstairs and laid down with the cushions on the couch. I drag the blanket onto myself and snuggled up underneath. It was quite cold tonight. The first cold night on this trip. It's not long before my eyes are heavy and I feel myself drifting off.

I wasn't wearing much underneath the blanket. Just a nighty and some panties. But that's because I'm hoping to be back upstairs before everyone's home at three.

But I can't myself up. And before I can even sit up and stay awake, my eyes close shut and I fall away.

Gee's POV

It was about twelve thirty. Will, Callum, Simon, JJ, Kirsty and I were heading home. Everyone else was staying out. We were heading back out, but we were going home to grab some stuff for Stephen. I had come along to check on Carmen.

We walked up the driveway to the house. All the lights were out, so we assumed she was asleep.

Or watching a movie or something.

The lights were off... It was pretty obvious she was not investing in some huge event ok!? Callum unlocked the front door and we walk into the dark house.

A dim light was coming from the lounge. It looked like Carmen was watching something. We all walk into the lounge at the same time.

Carmen was lying on the couch asleep on top of a giant blanket. Legs spread out like a starfish. Suddenly, JJ starts making a racket and cheering. I frown, but quickly realise why. He's drunk. But it wasn't just the booze making him amped up.

Carmen obviously moves a lot in her sleep, because she was wearing a nighty that had moved up. Now we were all in plain sight of Carmen's knickers and a good portion of her bra.

JJ started cracking up and I frown at his smirk.

"Shut the fuck up dude" I say, glaring as I shuffle over to her, Will by my side.

Wills face was bright red as he walked over to her. He gently slid her legs into more of a comfortable position and grabbed the bottom of her pajamas and shuffled them down again to cover her. She was still fast asleep. Slowly, he slid his hand under her neck and under her knees.

Picking her up bridal style, he carried her up stairs. I followed close behind, carrying their blanket, and opening their door. He carried her in and gently placed her on the bed.

I watched as he throw the big blanket over her and turned off the light. He turned back to me with a frown.

"I'm gonna fucking kill JJ" He said, a genuine hate in his eyes

I shock slightly. As he tried to walk passed me, I put my hands on his chest and pushed him back with all my weight.

"No..." I begged

I knew it would completely ruin Stephens birthday if Will had a punch up with JJ in the lounge.

He tried to move passed me again. This time with enough force to shove me to the right slightly, but not enough to hurt me. As Will tried to walk away down the hall, I grabbed his hoodie, pulling him back.

"Will this is not the time. You wanna get back at him, you do it in the UK. Not around Carmen. She doesn't need that" I say politely. Keeping my cool, like I knew Will wasn't.

He looked down at the ground in front of us, but his frown quickly returned.

"But he keeps treating her like shit" He angrily responds

"Just like you did?! Come on Will! Think! You're gonna hurt Carmen a lot more with this than anything JJ is making disgusting remarks on" It slips out

The truth.

I shouldn't have said it like that. And I felt terrible for it. But it was just enough to stop Will from going downstairs, fists clenched.

He looks down and his expression softens. Slowly and nods and gives in.

I sigh in relief and look back into their room. It's dark. I can't see Carmen, but I can just imagine her calm sleeping state around all this commotion.

"Now go down there, and pretend like everything is fine" I enforce

Will sighed and we both start to walk back downstairs where everyone is now chatting.

Carmen's POV

I woke up in bed next to Will like the last couple of days. But I was confused now.

I was supposed to wake up in a few minutes, way before everyone was back from partying. Now I'm in bed and it's nine in the morning.

I frowned, but didn't think too much of it. I sat and stretched as I moved over to the wardrobe full of mine and Will's clothes. I picked out a simple outfit and through it on.

I could hear people talking downstairs.

Will was still asleep, so it was better to go downstairs and make conversation, then sit here and stare at Will for him to never drop it if he woke up while I was accidentally staring.

I quietly opened the door and slipped out, shutting it again behind me.


Sorry for not the greatest chapter. Kinda had a block. But I hope you enjoyed it anyway :)

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