Chapter 28

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The shift came easily but it only increased the aching pain running through my body, but it was bearable at least. I undid the bandage wrapped around my middle and was glad to see the wound in my back was looking better, it healed enough to not be an open wound anymore. I slipped the gray oversized t-shirt on and smoothed it out, Asher wasn't wrong it could almost reach down to my knees when I was standing. I followed the scent of the food into the dining area and took a seat before ordering Tyson and Ollie to stay at my feet and lay down so they wouldn't be tempted to annoy a still nervous Simon.

 I watched as one by one more of the boys joined us and took up a seat at the table, but I soon realized only 7 of the boys were present. "Where are Captain BS and the others?" I hummed out as I sensed another of the males enter the room. "They're out cleaning up the mess of those b****ards corpses." Beckett growled out as he took up a seat on the other side of the table, he obviously was in a bad mood. Well with down in the dumps Beck making 8 of their pack of twelve Simon okayed everyone to go ahead and dig in, I wasn't about to complain. 

I was starving and I wasn't going to sit back and let the boys eat all the food, I heaped up my plate full of spaghetti and meatballs before chowing down in a hurry with the boys chuckling at my eagerness. "Finally a girl with a healthy appetite, she might even out eat you E." Tucker teased out playfully as I continued to stuff my face and fill my stomach. "If you want to challenge me to an eating contest do it some other time, I want to enjoy this and go back to bed." I huffed at them between mouthfuls. "I might just take you up on that." Emmett winked back at me with a sly grin, I started to smile back when a familiar growl cut through the room.

 "We've got rogue issues and you're more focused on flirting with Sid the kid, do you even give a d*** about this pack?!" Beck growled out angrily. "Dude I'm just trying to help lighten up the mood a little, you don't have to be an a** about it." Emmett grumbled back. It was clear both of them were starting to posture like they were getting ready for a battle, and so I put my fork down with a sigh to settle the matter before it got worse. "Both of you sit down and shut up, listen up Romeo it's all nice that you want to lighten the mood but adding fuel to the temper fire is not helping anyone." I glared at Emmett and he had the decency to look chastised and shut his mouth. 

"As for you Mr. Sunshine and Rainbows trying to add to our meal with your irritated attitude, get over yourself. If anyone doesn't give a d*** about the pack wouldn't it be the guy who didn't fight to protect his home when he was right on the doorstep of the attack?" I snapped to Beckett as he slammed his hands on the table and stalked towards me. I stood to meet him and silently motioned Tyson and Ollie to stay put and keep out of it. "I didn't hear or smell them coming, if I had I would have killed them myself!" He growled out angrily. "But you didn't and you didn't get up either, because of that Fletcher got hurt." I shot back at him, he was shaking from his anger now. 

"They knocked me out, what was I supposed to do!? I couldn't do anything, it wasn't my fault!" He howled out as a flash of pain flickered in his eyes. "Exactly, Sweetness." I murmured softly and all the shaking stopped as he stared at me silently. "It wasn't your fault that the attack happened, it wasn't your fault that you didn't hear them coming. None of what happened is your fault, if anything it's mine for them coming here in the first place, but dwelling on that doesn't help anyone. Your attitude and pouting doesn't help figure this out, and we will figure this out Beck." I stated gently as his shoulders slumped slightly and the anger and guilt he'd been stewing over disappeared for the time being.

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