Chapter 68

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We sat outside her door for hours, and still there was no change to the utter despair we felt pushed out through her link, it was like we were torturing her in the worst possible way. Her whimpers and whines would sometimes break into long mournful howls, a few of the guys had gotten physically sick from it all and even my stomach was turning now. "Can't you knock her out again or something?" Ash had his hands clamped over his ears and a firm grimace on his face. "Considering I gave her more than usual already I don't want to take a chance of overdosing her and possibly doing more damage than good." Simon looked green and Bowen sent him a glance from where he paced the hallway. 

"Can you drug us, because I'm not sure how much longer I can take this." Tucker whimpered through his sobs, he wasn't the only one crying, we all were a bit teary eyed from the flood of emotions rolling through our link. "I can't take this anymore, she clearly needs us and she hasn't had any romantic or aggressive intentions since she woke up. We have to make sure she's alright, and I volunteer as the guinea pig." I was on my feet in a second. I wanted to make the alpha and the girl I loved stop feeling like she was alone and hated, even if she killed me I wouldn't care if it made her feel better right now. "We can't risk..." Bowen put on his stern alpha look but without the power behind it I found no trouble in disobeying. 

"Bo, I'm going in there and I don't give a flying f*** what you say to try and stop me!" I snapped back he seemed shocked but I didn't care as I turned my focus on the bedroom door. Without a second thought I twisted the doorknob and ripped the door open to find Sidney whimpering in the corner of the room with Tyson and Ollie doing their very best to comfort her. "Sidney." I choked out her name, pleading for her to look at me, the sadness in her eyes when she lifted her head brought me to my knees in the doorway. 

"I'm so sorry we did this to you, we don't hate you at all we only want to keep you safe. I understand that you think we betrayed you and abandoned you and you probably hate us for locking you up in here. We shouldn't have been so cruel and I completely understand if you want to take your anger out on us. I'm right here, and I can take a beating, we deserve it for making you so upset for so long, go ahead Sid." I closed my eyes as I waited for her to attack, knowing I wouldn't fight back against her if she wanted to kill me. I heard a gasp from behind me and her quick moving paws against the floor, I thought I was ready for anything, apparently I was wrong. 

I was expecting teeth at my throat but instead a warm furry body slammed into my chest with a whine and my eyes shot open as her tongue darted out to lick at my face. Her eyes met mine for a brief moment before she climbed into my lap, buried her muzzle into my neck and sighed, then her exhaustion rammed me through the link. "Oh come on, how is that fair!" Daniel howled out in disappointment, but spirits were already feeling a bit higher with her despair erased now that she was practically glued to me. I slowly let my hand trail down her back as she leaned further into my chest, before massaging her ears as she crooned happily at the action, her pleasure thrumming through all of us. 

"So I take it we're forgiven?" I voiced as her head bobbed ever so slightly under my hand. "Bad Simon." She growled through the link as he stepped into the room, he looked like the words were a dagger to his heart. "They made me do it, please don't be mad!" He nearly wailed at her, as he placed a large bowl on the ground as she sniffed the air. She easily bounded up to the bowl sniffed at it once more before she started to eagerly lap up the water like she was dying of thirst. "Yeah the tranquilizers tend to make you pretty thirsty and she's been crying for a few hours so..." Simon winced, no wonder she was co parched. Once the bowl was empty she tilted her head at Simon before lunging so fast that none of us could react, she had him pinned in record timing. 

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