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Goodbye For Now
❝I attract danger.❞

          𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐀 cautiously peered back over at Damon for what felt like the hundredth time in the last minute

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          𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐀 cautiously peered back over at Damon for what felt like the hundredth time in the last minute. She was pacing his bedroom lightly, checking up on him every couple of seconds and waiting for his fever to subdue. Though upon seeing little change in his condition as he startled uncomfortably in his sleep yet again, she was beginning to grow worried.

"Why haven't you started healing yet?" She muttered to herself as her nerves began to progressively grow. She approached him once more, sitting on the side of his bed before placing her hand tentatively on his forehead ⏤ his temperature only seemed to be rising.

For a moment, Olivia feared it was too late and that it didn't matter how much blood she gave him. She wasn't particularly sure on the specifics of recovering from a werewolf bite as she hadn't necessarily tested it before as there had never been anyone she wanted to save. What if her blood had to enter his system before a certain time to ensure that he'd heal? What if it was all too late and he'd die anyway? Or maybe she was overthinking things and after a few moments, he'd show signs of recovery.

"Asinta Mulaf Hinto, Sho Bala." She whispered quietly, reciting a spell to remove his pain, though surprisingly nothing happened. She repeated her words once more, though one again ⏤ nothing. At first, she thought she'd said something wrong in the incantation but upon ruling out that possibility, the realisation hit her: he wasn't in any pain.

She smiled to herself ⏤ a wholesome radiant smile ⏤ as his breathing began to even out and his heartbeat stabilised into a steady and rhythmic pattern. Gently lifting his arm, she also noticed his bite mark was swiftly fading and was scarcely visible against his complexion. Olivia then grabbed his hand and squeezed it reassuringly. "You're going to be perfectly fine."

At her voice, Damon stirred once more in his sleep, beginning to wake up. Not wanting to disrupt him, the tribrid slowly pulled her hand from his whilst standing up from her seated position. However, just as she did, she felt Damon's hand flinch before reaching out to grab her own. Looking back at him, she noticed his eyes were still closed and he appeared to initiate the action almost instinctively ⏤ like it was a reflex to him even whilst he was still partially unconscious.

His eyelids soon hesitantly opened, flashing her those all too familiar piercing blue irises. "How am I healing?" He asked, his breathing still rugged and his voice a mere husky whisper.

"I... uh ⏤" Olivia began, attempting to think of a lie to put Damon's curiosity at ease.

"Klaus's blood," another voice briskly interrupted her own. Both Olivia and Damon shifted their gaze to the doorway to notice Katherine leading against the frame. "I managed to slip it into your bloodstream when you were unconscious." She lied successfully to the Salvatore, tucking a small vial of blood into the sleeve of her jacket which Damon was too delirious to notice.

𝐌𝐘 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒, Damon Salvatore [under editing]Where stories live. Discover now