Chapter 2

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-Alex POV-

The Guardian is right there... He knows Sabre is here.... Oh. No.
What now? What now?!
"Alex. What is he doing here?" Oh no!
Me and Sabre tried to think of something and stuttered... Something.

"I am a Illusion!" Nice idea Sabre! "I am an Illusion~"
"Yeah he is not here.  This is all just like a Fun Prank!" I chuckled nervously. "Alex's Powers are REALLY strong~ She's Able to create an Illusion~ I am not Sabre~~", Sabre simply said.
We heard the girl giggle... She probably found this rather amusing.
"Now if you excuse me~ I will go fade into the distance~" Sabre tried to leave...
No luck... The Guardian got pissed "Why are you talking to me like that?! Do I looked like a fool?! I KNOW it's you, Sabre!"

"No i'm not~ You're not a Fool~" Sabre kept acting like... That. And mumbled under his breath "Well you kinda are but..."
Sabre. No. Stahp. Stahp it.
I whispered to Sabre and told him that now is NOT the time.
"Alex. YOU were supposed to Destroy him!"

"I'M NOT ACTUALLY HERE~", Sabre kept trying. And the Girl was still giggling... Probably still amused but also... Probably thought it was a bit stupid."Uhm... I... I was supposed to do that." Okay  Sabre stopped.

-Girl's POV-

This is so dumb and Funny... "I will have to tell Illusion Steve about this and take the girl to destroy her" I heard the Guardian making me fall quiet and become scared again...
"Lets not do that!"Sabre laughed nervously.
I will DIE if they don't do anything! I... I want to just run... But...
I was stuck... Illusion Steve... Kept me stuck... Or at least the power that Illusion Steve gave the Guardian kept me stuck... I'm scared!!

"I've got an idea! I've got an idea. All in favor of not snitching on the fact that I'm still here  and that the girl should stay with us and be okay... Say I." Sabre suggested... I have to raise my voice...
"I" "I" Sabre and Alex both said I.
"...I...!" I quietly said it too...
"Oh! That's the majority Vote! I feel like you don't have to tell him and let us help the girl! " Alex said... If that works...
I swear that would be... Stupid. And funny.

"That's how it has to be, Guardian!" Sabre was hoping it will work..
"I won't listen to this nonsense. I will take the girl and go tell illusion Steve" He wanted to leave with me!!
"NO NO NO NO NO" We, Alex me and Sabre, all yelled at same time causing him to stop...

Sabre talked to him and Alex told him that this entire world... It's fake. Little did they know...
He knew. They were surprised...
I wasn't... I really wasn't...
He was gonna leave with me.. I was scared... About to cry...
But suddenly...
"Oh so I guess you don't want unlimited Power." Huh?

-Sabre's POV-

Got him. He took the bait and came back. "Oh. Oh I'm so sorry. You were about to leave, Guardian." I chuckled.
"Tell me... More about this unlimited power." He took the Bait. Oh my god...
I chuckled "Oh I dunno... It seems like you... Would go tell Illusion Steve on me and... Ya know have me destroyed." I just looked at him "I don't really know. I mean... If I'm destroyed I won't tell you where it is."
We argued a bit and I told Alex what I had in my mind. before I told The Guardian that the... 'Unlimited Power' was... In the Machine.

He didn't believe me first. But... I convinced him.
He got in the Machine and I told him there will be lighting and more.
And then...
"Oh. I wonder... Yeah I gotta ask you one more thing before I close up this machine." This will be fun "Do you know... What an Actual Moron looks like? Ya know someone who doesn't get things. Ya know what they look like?"

"Uhm... No. I can't... Can't say that I do." The Guardian answered...
"Oh well... HAVE YOU LOOKED IN THE MIRROR?" I Laughed and activated the machine.
We all started to laugh and the lightning happened.

The Girl could now move again and jumped around happy
"THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!" She was so happy...
Well... Time to ask... "Hey... What's your name?"
She blinked and looked at us. "I'm... Lucy."


A Unforgettable Quest [A Steve Saga Reboot/Rainbow Quest Story]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant