Chapter 16

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-???'s POV-

Ah... How fun it is to watch Reality Steve see what Sabre can do. How easily he can... Create a world.
How easily he can get so much with only a small Button.
How easily... He can just be stronger than ANY Steve.
And... To see How many more people like Sabre there are.
It B̛͉̻̹̖̲̱̟̤̙͕́̕͡ŗ̳̙͙̬̗͍̝̫̱̝̤e̡͎͖̤͓̹͈̠̣͢͞a̼͇͍̜̰̼̳͟k̨̧̺̜͚̝͝s̶̴͔̺̝̼͕ him. Haha... He needs to return to his world.
To the Steve Saga Server.
Poor Reality Steve finally realised... He shouldn't escape his world.

-Lucy's POV-

I sighed as I kept watching the guardian trying to Leave the Illusion Town... It won't work. We have been at it for Hours. And it's not doing CRAP! I sighed and suddenly heard... that Damn Asshat... Reality Steve. "World! Wor- What?! I... I'm back!"
I sighed and poked Sabre and pointed to Reality Steve. "Oh. Oh He's back! He's back! Haha! He's back Guys!" Sabre laughed. He knew that Reality Steve would come back... But The guardian and Alex had their doubts. I did not. Really. He laughed and told Reality Steve that he just knew that he'd come back. I smiled a bit and walked next to Sabre.
"I... Listen Listen... You... You're right. You're right." Reality Steve sighed seeming to be ashamed to admit that Sabre was right, which made me grin.

"Where did you go exactly, Reality Steve?" The Gauraik asked and raised his Eyebrow...
He didn't wanna talk about it? Haha... Cuz he now knows that there is more that he doesn't understand at all. We are right, He is wrong and... He... Wants it all to go back to normal?
"G-Guys...? Can i talk to you for a second?" Sabre asked and looked at us. I nodded and went with Alex, Him and the Gaurdian To a Corner where we discussed this all... "Okay everyone in favor of wanting Reality Steve to Clarify say Banana." "Banana" "Banana" "Banana" "Ba... banana." The guardian was still confused about the whole Banana thing but I think he is catching up.

We walked back and we wanted to know him to Clarify what he means...
He meant it by... He wants everything to go back to normal before he left and... Refused to Gave Sabre his account back. That DICK. I sighed as I listened to the conversation and knew like sabre: He didn't have his powers anymore. He can't do shit. Me, Sabre, The Guardian and Alex lined up like Bowling pins and just waited... He didn't do crap. I yawned as he tried to Threaten us... "So boring~" I hummed and rested my eyes a bit, causing the others to chuckle and Reality Steve to growl in anger. I listened some more until the guardian dragged us back to the corner and asked if Sabre Couldn't just make a machine to separate Galaxy Steve from Reality Steve... "Nice idea." I smiled at the guardian who seemed a bit proud now. "Honestly man... You got a point. And it IS a good idea. I could possibly make a machine and separate Galaxy Steve outta him but..." Here comes the big but... "It's just... I don't know how we could do that.... What if it all goes wrong...?  What if it starts another mess...?" I sighed and hugged sabre, Pretty much surpring him with that

"It won't. I know it won't! I know you can do it Sabre!" He hugged back after I said those words and I knew he began to smile. I have to give him SOME Hope. We then continued to talk and I glanced over to reality Steve from time to time. He looked like a scared Child as he just... stood there. Pffft... lol. I laughed a bit as Sabre said exactly that. "He looks like a Scared child dude! He's just waiting there! WE are the ones Holding everything in this conversation! We are the dang adults here!" He chuckled before we all walked back to him.
After some talking Sabre Laughed "There is Billions of us Man! Billions of us! There is Billions of me, Guys!"
Alex just mumbled "Oh god... oh dear." THAT girl. Savage. Lmao!
"Okay back to the Task at hand... Reality Steve we will work with you... BUT! Only if you do something for us." I grinned at Reality Steve, as he grumbled annoyed and Sabre laughed and Coughs
"Yeah no seriously we only help if you do something for us." Sabre sayed and looked at Reality Steve. This'll be fun.

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