Chapter 20

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-Sabre's POV-

Yep Galaxy Steve still isn't the brightest. I explained to Galaxy Steve what The Guardian told us and he seemed so surprised and shocked... Which was pretty much a normal reaction. I looked for a second at Lucy, who was looking at Galaxy Steve and seemed concerned... Hmm... Why? I looked back at Galaxy Steve and we kept talking about the Task at Hand. Wait... I FORGOT THE GREEN STEVE AGAIN!!! GOSH DARN IT! I sighed and looked at Galaxy Steve... He seemed... Scared... Traumatised...?
Lucy seemed even more concerned now as she hugged Galaxy Steve... He took deep breaths and told us... Why he was so scared... Why he felt so weird... Whoa... Is he okay...?

"Galaxy Steve... Are you alright...? I promise you won't fail anyone..." Lucy whined... Before he went all Derpy again "APPLE!!!" Lucy jumped a bit and let go of him before he ran around with his apple in his hand. What is going on with him...? I need to test this- He reset...? Okay I really gotta test this... Gotta see his reaction to what I will do now. I went a bit very deep... Lucy sighed and shook her head at that... As Galaxy Steve went... All scared again... She quickly hugged him again and just held him close... "Let it all out buddy... Please..." She sighed, causing him to tear up... And explained us that... Maybe it really wasn't Illusion Steve that went crazy... But him...? And he is back at Being derpy... Lucy sighed and walked around with him... Seeming to be worried about her new Friend.

Galaxy Steve wasn't fine. We need to be with him... But we also gotta Help the Guardian... What to do...?

-Lucy's POV-

I gotta be here for my new Friend... I gotta be here for him... Whatever Alex and sabre decide to do... I will stay with Galaxy Steve... He needs someone by his side. Someone who cares and who knows how it feels to be scared of helping and messing up again... galaxy Steve kept jumping around and I followed him... I then overheard Sabre talk about Green Steve... "Sabre. Alex. Me and Galaxy Steve will go find... Our Friend. Green Steve." I smiled at them and they look at each other and nod. "Okay! Then... You two find Green Steve and we go help the Guardian. Be safe you two. Okay?" Sabre smiled at me, seeming to be happy that I stay with Galaxy Steve. I nodded and Galaxy Steve prepared the Portal to the Spirit world of Alex and Sabre. I smiled as I listened to galaxy Steve... He was such a nice and sweet guy. I closed my eyes as lightening started to happen and opened them again after it stopped... "Wow... That Portal is very pretty." I smiled at Galaxy Steve and he hugged me close. I chuckled and pat his back as I just hear Alex "Awwww"ing, causing me to laugh...

So far I love my new friends... But I miss my old ones. But I also wanna stay with my new friends. Make sure they will be save. "We will stay here for a bit for a now... So that Galaxy Steve can rest a bit..." I smiled at Sabre and Alex as I felt Tears forming in my eyes... Geez Lucy don't cry now... Alex and Sabre came to hug me and Galaxy Steve as I just gently laughed... "Please be save out... In there? Just be save you two... I don't wanna loose two of my new awesome friends..." I nuzzled close to them as they just... Laughed a bit... A worried yet confident laugh. "We will be save..." Alex said... Thank you Alex. "We promise we will be back soon. Just make sure Galaxy Steve and you will be save and that you will find the Green Steve." Sabre pat my head. I nodded and grinned at them, after whiping my tears away.

"Sabre... Alex... Good luck and I see you again soon friends..." Galaxy Steve smiled as he as well... Teared up... "And before I say goodbye again... Thank you. For everything..." His voice became so calm and gentle... It made me smile. "Now go you two! And save the Guardian's ass!" I laughed and cheered, causing all of us to laugh. They ran trough the portal and... Disappeared....

-Lucy left Sabre's Party. Lucy joined Galaxy Steve's Party. Wish them luck-

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