Chapter 13

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-Lucy's POV-

I jumped around, squealing happily. It actually worked! But we still gotta Help Alex... "Lets focus on what we have to do next. And go talk to Alex." I Heard the Guardian sigh and ran back in to Alex who was STILL in the Machine.
"The Guardian is helping us!" Sabre smiled happily at Alex but soon sighed "We got something called the Illusion Core from something in the Illusion Tree. We stole the one in the center so that we can Get out."

I nodded and Looked at Alex and then glanced over to the Demon Steve who just... Didn't move at all. Hm... I quietly started to mumbled to myself, Questioning why He didn't move at all... Or make any noise. Did Illusion Steve still have his Illusion on him?
Did he just not care?

I looked at Sabre who still haven't noticed that I didn't listen.
"Well let's go get some recourses! Alex we are goin out for some shopping! You want anything?" Sabre hummed as he walked towards the exit and then looked back at Alex

"Uhm... Freedom. I'd.. I'd like some freedom." Alex responded and looked towards us. Those Words made me Giggle a bit "We will see if we can get it Alex! See you Later, Alligator!" As I ran out. Sabre and The Guardian went after me as I went to get some wood fast. I hummed a little melody as we kept getting wood

-Some while Later-

Me and the Guardian huffed as We walked to Sabre who didn't do Crap... While we did a Shitton! I punched him and screeched "RUN FOOL! RUN!". Sabre ran back and I ran after him punching the air, still screeching. The Guardian ran after him and me as we ran into the Illusion Town. No sign of Illusion Steve which was Good. Very good.

"Sorry Alex... The store ran out of Freedom... And out of cookies. I was gonna bring you some." I hummed and walked over to her, placing my hands against the glass.
She giggled a bit "Oh it's fine, Lucy. Thanks for looking. And I would've LOVED some Cookies!". I giggled and looked at Alex but then back at Sabre and the Guardian "Also Alex... Sabre is a lazy Dork. We did all the work" I giggled and handed The Guardian all the resources I got.

We went down to the Illusion Core and just... Well I watched the Guardian and Sabre work together... I didn't know much about machines and well... Sabre then went all weird again... I sighed and giggled and leaned against a wall. They did a pretty good job. We went outside and I hummed happily and suddenly heard The lighting. I jumped and cling to Sabre again... While The Guardian acted again... "Secrets don't make friends." Me and Alex giggled.
Illusion Steve growls angrily as I just hid...
They went over to the exit and... I somehow overheard their ENTIRE Conversation...

Uhm... Crap... I gulped and Sabre ran over Yelling "I DO KNOW WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED!"
I squealed and Uhm... Illusion STEVE tried to get out but uh... Yeah. Didn't work.
He was screwed. I smiled a bit and walked over, a bit more confident, but didn't say Crap and just listened and... Uh... Well fuck. Are we... Are we now just all trapped? Unable to do anything?
I went over to the wall and hit my head against the wall hoping I was gonna black out again and wait for them to fix shit.

I sighed as I listened to the conversation, while hitting my head against the wall...
Listening to Illusion Steve was so annoying until... He mentioned the Galaxy Steve again... He... Will be The Reason Why he'll win...? What does he mean by that...?

I walked over and just popped the Question: "What do you mean by that...?"

A Unforgettable Quest [A Steve Saga Reboot/Rainbow Quest Story]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora