Chapter 11

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-Lucy's POV-

I've been laying on my bed, thinking... It's been a day since Indigo told us about the Rainbow Steve prophecy... And I kept remembering what i saw in Sabre's eyes... It was... Hope and Fear... Hope to see Rainbow Steve... And fear that... That the Darkness could end him... Lunar still didn't explain to me why she said Hello to Indigo Steve... Knowing he couldn't hear her... Orange was also still sad because of the height... And he has just been... Laying on my lap. Looking like a sad puppy... So I just pat him on the head a bit, while I thought... As we suddenly just... Heard Lightning strike. I sat up and looked at Orange who just... Laid on my lap. "Orange get up please so that we can check what is happening." I softly sighed... "No!" And got the reply of a Lil child... Aka Orange Steve. "Orange... Please?" I smiled at him, causing him to pout and get up... So cute. I also got up and walked outside with him seeing... Lightning was striking by the Yellow Portal. Liam and Sabre already stood there, looking worried... So we quickly ran over to them and all ran trough the portal together... And saw... We ended up at the fallen Yellow Kingdom... Better to say near it. "Oh no... Do you think... Do you think that Yellow is in there?! And in trouble?!" Liam looked... Scared as he said that. I swear he is Gay for That Lemon. And I SO ship it. ANYWAY!
We slowly walked towards the Kingdom... "Did... did we get everyone out if there...?" I quietly asked as we snook into the village- "Wait! There... There is a darkness..." Sabre stated as we all backed up...I sighed as Lunar suddenly said "Be. Careful. You can't afford to get caught here... I won't be able to help you THIS time..."... I already figured she won't be able to save anyone this time... Would've been TOO easy after all... "Guys... Guys the giant monster thing is here." Orange suddenly exclaimed and... And pointed towards the Darkness monster... Oh. No. "Crap... Okay let's... Let's try get the yellow Steve... Everyone be careful and don't get caught..." Sabre exclaimed as we snook trough the village... Trying to get to the castle... We even has to sneak trough a graveyard- OH MY GOD THE MONSTER IS ON THE BRIDGE!!! "Halt... Everyone stay right there..." Liam stopped us so we wouldn't run into its sight...

"Let's go trough the water...!" Good idea Orange... "And then go trough the side entrance!" Great Sabre! That's a great idea! We quickly ran to the side entrance, hoping that no darkness was looking over it... "Did you already see the shield... And that all of it didn't break and became... Darker?" Lunar suddenly spoke up, making me actually look towards pieces of the shield... She... She was right. "They are trying to get to the main battery of the kingdom... That's why they are still here... Now be VERY careful..." Lunar... How does she know about the main battery... She didn't listen as... As Liam told me about it... I shook my head and we snuck around... As Sabre got scared by a Black Horse, thinking it was the darkness... It was actually VERY funny. I had to hold in my laughter... While Liam... Oh he just... Chuckled. He tried TOO hard not to laugh out loud. So did Orange. Anyway... As we kept sneaking around, we had to hide multiple times... Until we FINALLY made it to the beam. And ran down to the... Battery area. No Draknes was down here and... Orange took a DEEP Breath. His heart must be beating like CRAZY! "Okay... Let's keep going." Liam exclaimed as we walked towards the doors to what I assume is the battery... Just in case I summoned twin katanas and held them tightly. Liam held a iron sword, Sabre a stone sword and orange a iron axe... I... I needed to protect them. They opened the doors to the battery and we ran in. And then saw a yellow Steve.... It was the yellow Steve from the bridge! Oh God... We forgot him... I slowly walked towards him, lowering my katanas, before handing him a flower to calm him down... "We are here to save you... We promise that you will NOT be harmed by anyone or anything, when you are coming with us. And we are sorry we weren't able to get you out of here." Liam calmly exclaimed... "But you did the right thing, waiting here! We uh... Orange Steve's powers sensed you! Anyway... We should get outta here! But... We should try to disable the Batteries... Yellow Steve... Orange Steve... Do you two think you can do that while me and the others guard this room?" Good idea sabre! "We can try!" Orange and Yellow said as we walked out and guarded the place-
The batteries disappeared omg-

And now we ran off. Fleeing from this place. Darkness was all over the place and we... We struggled. But we managed to flee. And the yellow Steve ran away to the biggest yellow kingdom. Thankfully no one else was there and... Orange is..  Stress/Fear eating. Poor baby... we ran away a bit and... Oh orange is taking a MAAAAD DEEEEEEP Breath. Jebus. "Stay safe." We all said to the yellow Steve before he ran off. We then went back to the rainbow Hub. "Can we go back to your room and just lay down again, Lucy?" Orange whined and clung to me after appearing there... I chuckled a bit and nodded... I can't blame that he is just... Terrified. I'm... I'm too actually. It was... Scary. As we went... Lunar talked to me... "Lucy... I... I'm sorry I wasn't able to help you.  I... I wish I could have my physical firm to help you... Help THEM! But... I can't. I can't even build my physical form inside your dreams... Not yet at least-" and suddenly she was cut off... By Raven. "Aw boohoo! You're so BORING! Saving that Yellow Steve! It would've  been FUN to see him get caught!! BUT NOOOO! The 'Heros' had to save him! IDIOTS! You're just... Delaying your doom. The doom of THIS world... And the next." What... What does she mean?! The DOOM of this world?! And the NEXT?! WHAT DOES SHE MEAN- "Lucy?" I froze as Orange suddenly spoke up.. I noticed I I was just... Frozen in place by the stairs. "S-Sorry..." I sighed and walked up the stairs with him and then went to my room. Where we both just laid down...

A Unforgettable Quest [A Steve Saga Reboot/Rainbow Quest Story]Where stories live. Discover now