Chapter 24

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-Green Hair girl POV-

I took a deep breath as I opened my eyes and saw where we were... Aka in the most random spot ever. I hoped we would've maybe been teleported to a more... Convenient place. I looked at Hypno who looked at Sabre who... Clung to me...? "Sabre why are you clinging to her...?" Alex giggled. Huh. Didn't expect this. Sabre cleared his throat and let go of me. "Sorry." He nervously chuckled before looking around... Can he even see with that Bandana on? Hmm... Anyway. "Oh my gosh we actually got outta there." He grinned happily and stretched. "Wait a second... I don't... Something isn't right." What does Hypno mea- Oh... Oh no. "I feel Powerless. Alex. Try doing anything." We are Powerless. Alex tried doing anything... Nothing. We are even more stuck than before... And... And... Sabre is freaking out and probably close to crying.

I pat him on the head and hugged him. "Calm down. Everything will be fine..." I pat his back as he slowly calmed down. "Let's walk and talk a bit and stay calm and collected." Sabre walked off and we followed him. Okay... Let's listen to Hypno's idea. His idea: Find someone. No matter bad or good.
Sabre did not like that. At all. And Hypno... THREATENED TO LEAVE?! "Hypno wait! C'mon!" I whined...
And sabre gave in... "Okay yeah... Come... Come.back. I guess... we will work with WHOEVER..." He gritted his teeth as I just sighed... I can't do crap nor can anyone else... I can't make a machine. Or shelter. Or ANYTHING! I sighed as the others just kept talking and I just... Thought. Thought what to do. How we can find someone. ANYONE Who will willingly help us. I looked at at a Sheep that walked past us as Sabre suddenly asked... "How did you get that power, Hypno Steve?" Huh? I looked at Hypno and he... Avoided it. Whoa whoa whoa... In fact... HOW did he get it?! He hasn't even told me...

Told me to stay put while he... did something important. He must've then got his power... what if he stole it...? I starred at Hypno, expecting a Answer. "You think like him now too, Huh, Cindy?!" Why... Why is he getting slightly aggressive?! "Cindy..." I only heard Sabre mumble and then... Watch Hypno leave. "Let him leave. He Needs us." Sabre looked at me and Alex... We waited and... "Fine! I'm coming back!" I heard Hypno grumble and saw him walk back to us. "Answer Sabre's Question, Hypno. Now." I growled... That made him Nervous and... he answered. He Told them... The Steves. That they needed to risk something. Only few came and offered themselves... While others hoped that the Guardian will help... But he didn't come back.. so... Hypno took matters in his own hands... He didn't steal... But the powers were offered to him... He did what it took to come see Alex and Sabre... He did what it took to also bring me along. He knew I had some kinda power... And he was right. I do have power. But this power... Is now gone... I sighed... And saw how sad and frustrated Hypno actually was... He just wanted them to help...

I pat him on the head and simply said "We will fix this. I promise." While giving him a gentle smile... He only nodded... And... Well... Guess this team... Is on a mission to go fix this all.

-???'s POV-

Now... You haven't heard of ME in long time... But I have kept watching them. And it is very fun. As you now know... The green haired Girl is named Cindy. And you now also know where Hypno Steve got his powers from... But... No one still knows where those 'Random People' come from... Well I won't just tell you how they appear in the World of the Steve Saga and from what exact location they come from... It would ruin the big...


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