Chapter 5

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-Lucy's POV-

I gasped as I opened my eyes and quickly sat up... The first thing that I saw was that I laid next to... a beacon.. I sighed and loomed around before seeing Sabre talking to orange Steve... "Oh orange..." Orange Steve sounded a bit upset and annoyed... I looked towards the huge portal and saw Jr change colors... Should I tell them I'm up...? They have walked away so I couldn't hear them anymore, which was a bit annoying... I slowly got up as Sabre slowly walked towards the portal. I ain't letting him leave without me!! "SABRE!!! I'M UP!!!" I yelled and ran over. Save saw me and grinned happily "LUCY! OKAY LET'S GO!" Sabre grabbed me and ran trough the portal with me...

And of course we got teleported somewhere... I sighed and playfully punched Sabre's arm. "Couldn't you have waited-" I got cut off by myself as I saw an... AN ENTIRE ORANGE STEVE VILLAGE!!! My mouth dropped open as a worried orange Steve talked to us "Oh! Who are you? Are you here to help us?". I nodded and said "Yeah we are!" "Okay good! Our leader has been loosing his mind, it would mean the world if you helped him!" Huh...? Why has he been loosing his mind...? Is it cuz of the darkness? I just nodded a bit, grabbed Sabre and ran off with him... "Holy shit! This village looks so pretty!" I squealed before bumping into another orange Steve... "Hey! What are you Guys up to?" Oh it's a nosy one, eh? "Let's not tell him... He doesn't need to know..." Our orange Steve whispered to us... "We're doing nothing." Sabre hummed "Just walking around... Don't worry about it." "Ok!" The nosy orange Steve said and skipped off. "Hello!" I smiled and greeted another orange Steve... But I shouldn't have done this, "HELLO! HOW ARE YOU DOING?!" Because he is VERY loud... I jumped back a bit and covered my ears before me and Sabre answered "We're good. We gotta go! Bye!" Before running off again. "Okay I really wanna see a Orange Steve's house from the inside!" I squealed and ran to a house with sabre... Who just opened the door and got hit by a... Rather shy looking orange Steve, who stuttered "W-Who are you?! Get out of my house!! Learn to knock!!"... Sighed and apologised for Sabre's behaviour and kindly asked if I could look around his house... "N-No... S-Sorry.." The orange Steve whined. "Ostsee okay! Have a nice day!" I gently smiled and dragged Sabre away and we walked- Nope nevermind we got distracted by a excited and bouncy Orange Steve who wanted to show us what he found... And so he did-
It's and end rod.

A m a z i n g

I pat his head and we walked to the main building and right inside. Orange Steve sighed and agreed on bringing us to the leader... Who was just... Looking trough chests. I tilted my head as the leader yelled "Where is it??" "Where is whaaaat...?" Saber asked and watched the leader run around... he saw us but didn't even acknowledge us... Jebus. "Mr Leader? Hello?" I asked and walked to him. "Who are you?!" "Im Lucy. This is sabre. And this is... Orange Steve." I introduced us all... "Help me find what's most precious to me!!" The leader whimpered and kept searching... We sighed and nodded... But suddenly... "Wait!! I know you!!" The leader glared at our Orange Steve. Uh? And why is he... Backing  up? "I thought I told you to stay out!!" The Leader yelled. Oooh! Oh shit! Oooh!!!!!
Ahem... Anyway we made a small deal that Our orange Steve will help find whatever and yea-
We walked downstairs and... Yeah he definitely lost his mind.  We went to the other orange Steve's to find out what the leaders mist precious thing is. We asked the loud one, who had no idea. The nosy one, who also had no idea... Ironic. Then we went to the shy one... "I-Im sorry for hitting you, Sir... You just startled me.." Awww! He is apologising to sabre! "And if you want to, Miss... Y-You can still come see my house...!" AWWWW! I'm sorry but imma steal this cinnamon roll-
We then Also asked him and he also didn't know. I waved goodbye to him and told him  that I might come around later again. We pretty much just accidentally asked the same people and I apologised- "Wait for me!" Not the nosy one!! We quickly ran inside and hid... He searched a bit and then headed back out. We asked our orange Steve to make something you replace the leaders most precious thing, hoping it would work... As he came back we walked up to the leader who immediately yelled "DID YOU FIND IT?!" Jesus... "No but... Our orange Steve has a special present for you- Is that an apple?" I starred at Orange Steve in disbelieve... "Yah"... OMFG- "That's just an apple..." The leader sighed... That lazy Bastard.  Anyway me and sabre explained to the leader that... He needed to take care of tye village. I even offered to help him clean up his room now so that he can take care of his village! "...Oh yah that makes sense." That was easy. "We are always happy to help! So if you ever need help... Just think really hard about it!" I smiled and bowed to the Leader. "Okay! Thanks, Lucy! Thanks, Sabre!" The leader smiled and waved as we left. This was soooo weird- NOSY IS BACK AGAIN!! "Hi."... "RUN BOIS-" I yelled and ran off, the boys following me... We ran to the forest and finally lost nosy. Amazing.

And finally orange teleported us back to the... Whatever it was. I stretched and smiled a bit. "This day was... rough." I hummed a bit "I also hope that the leader finds his thing. Anyway... Let's go take a break sabre. Let's play some games." Before walking off to a nice little spot

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