Chapter 39

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-YinYang's POV-

I got in front of Lucy and pointed my dual swords at... Whatever this Rainbow Steve Reject is. "LUCY!!! Wait who the hell is that?" Sabre was about to run to Lucy but I pointed one of my swords at him as a warning to stay away from her. He froze in almost an instance and slowly started backing away. "YinYang... That's my Friend Sabre..." Lucy sighed and shoved me out of her way as she walked up to Sabre. I just gritted my teeth and watched that Rainbow Steve Reject. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" He grumbled at me. I just stared at him until he finally slightly stumbled back. My eyes brought him FEAR. "What are you? I can see that you are definitely not the Hero, so explain yourself." I growled and just glared at him... "That is Reversed Steve. He uh... He was RainbowRed before. And he was... Wanted to be the hero... But uh..." Sabre coughed and rubbed the back of his head... Strange. Strange indeed. He... Oh I understand now. One of the crystals wasn't properly absorbed... And... Orange Steve didn't seem very well. So did Reverse Steve. "Wait... WHAT Happened to the orange crystal?!" Reverse Steve suddenly roared out... Oh now I see. "It didn't want to be absorbed since it was too close to the actual holder. So it corrupted. You dumbass." I grumbled and went to break out Orange Steve. I broke the glass, pulled Orange Steve onto my back and carried him to the others. "Stay down, Reverse Steve. Or I will attack you." I grumbled... But he just ran off. "WAIT YOU GOD DAMN-" Liam screamed and ran after him... Evelyn grabbed the crystals so that Orange Steve did not have to carry them, as I carried him after Reversed Steve. He thankfully wasn't very heavy.

"Just hold on to me, Orange Steve." I told him while running after the others. I saw Liam grab Reverse Steve by the wrist and heard him scream at him "STAY RIGHT HERE AND STOP THIS!!! WE CAN'T LET YOU LEAVE! PLUS THE PORTAL IS GONE!" Liam seemed very angry... But reverse Steve just pulled away and ran trough... The now open portal. Sabre was about to run after but... It closed. "NO!" Cindy ran around the portal, trying to find a way to re-open it. "I... I can teleport us back..." Orange Steve weakly muttered... But... "No. Do not." Lucy did not want this. "You will just overwork yourself and make yourself even weaker." Kira and Komaru said. "I shall teleport us to the rainbow hub." I said, gaining a few surprised looks. "But... Do you even know where the rainbow hub is?!" Yumin asked. I simply nodded and clapped my hands as I teleported us back to the rainbow hub. I could not let Orange Steve overwork himself. Especially not when he is holding the crystals and one of them being corrupted.

A Unforgettable Quest [A Steve Saga Reboot/Rainbow Quest Story]Where stories live. Discover now