Chapter 42

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Yep I'm making a chapter. My mobile data is currently being very nice so I can watch the episode on my phone... BUT that means the Chapter might not be very good... So uh... Hope you still enjoy.

-Cindy's POV-

This is bad... Sabre wanted to take the blast of the end crystal... He wanted us to leave him. He wanted Alex to Find Galaxy Steve, Me to somehow return to my world and the Guardian get back to the Spirit world... See if Hypno is there... He... He really got serious again. And I noticed how bad he felt... For letting his guard slip down... And that now this is happening... I sighed and knew... I couldn't Leave Alex all alone. The Guardian... I don't know. Maybe He'll go with us... I just held on to them for now... As suddenly everything went white... Please be safe Sabre...

A Nee episode of Steve Saga.
Wait... Where did the Steve Saga go?!
Why is the intro glitching back and forth? Will sabre and his friends be... Okay?

-Sabre's POV-

My screen glitched and everything went white... I hope the others will be alright... And suddenly... I was on a new server. "What... happened...?" Where did the Steve saga go?! I just spawned in on... Bedrock. What. I yelled out for my friends. And Emerald Steve. But... Nothing. I quickly grabbed some dirt and woods trying to figure things out.. I'm in a new world. No one was around. And I had no idea why I was here and why I spawned on BEDROCK! And why this world had... such a Nice texture pack. It is Quiet beautiful. I grabbed some wood and got achievements... Meaning this was DEFINITELY A new world. I then went to make a crafting bench and tools... And then kill a sheep, who I had asked for direction,  with a stone sword. [RIP Sheep] I then went back to my Crafting table but something Ran very FAST past me. What was that?! You guys saw that right?! Maybe that was just a bug... I sighed and just went to the lava pool to clean up my inventory a bit. I went to grab more wood and I was worried that I actually DID see something... I hope not... I just went to mine some cobble and... Should I make a house or live in a cave... Hmm... I went back out and the same THING ran past me Again!

I held my sword and knew: something was DEFINITELY here! I wasn't just seeing things! I was on guard now. I quickly made a furnace and decided to for now live in a cave. So I also made some doors, picked the Crafting table up and ran back to the cave.  Something was our there man! AND IT WAS IN FRONT OF MY DOOR NOW! I quickly hid and tried to calm myself... Before then seeing if it was gone... And it was. I need to buck it... To get some wood... So I did that. What was that thing?! It was like... Black and green and blue... Geez I wish at least one of my friends was with me... Then I would've felt a BT safer... I then went back to my cave, closed the doors and made charcoal... AND THE THING WAS IN FRONT OF MY HOUSE AGAIN! I quickly barricaded the doors with dirt and made some torches and put them down... There is very clearly something out there... And I'm just gonna expand my cave... And replaced all dirt with cobble. I don't know if that thing is still out there... But I knew I wouldn't go back out for now... I hope I'll be fine..

-One day later-
-Raven's POV-

I chuckled a bit as I looked around the new world... the new being did a good job. And I LOVED watching Sabre freak out. It was so Funny! I actually didn't know YET what happened to the Steve saga server... But what I did know is that... Sabre will take some time to actually get back on it. I watched sabre walk out his house and watched him walk off. I, of course, followed him and saw the new being... Sabre wanted to talk to it. But it quickly ran off. Sabre walked around for minutes before finding it again and this time slowly approaching it... Before putting a sign down. Which said "Hello, I am sabre. Who are you? :)"... Of course he put a smiley... The being Walked up to it and read it... Before looking at sabre and walking away a bit... Seeming... Scared? How sad... And there it ran. Many more minutes passed as Sabre walked around, talking, and me just following... Before he went back to his cave. You must be asking yourself 'Raven how isn't he seeing you?' Well darling... I have my powers. I am making myself invisible~ I hummed a bit and soon saw the being slowly approach the open doors... Sabre talked a bit... Even spoke a bit Spanish. Before putting down a sign saying "I come in Peace. I mean no harm."... Of course you don't.  You're a chicken. A soft soft chicken. Sabre tried getting passed it... but it ran off. How sad~ Some more minutes passed before being came back... And sabre gave it a blue flower. And some iron. He spoke in positive tone... Hoping it voila understand him... He thought it was coming around... But then it ran off. But oh? It stopped? And save followed it. They stopped by the lava pool... And the being... threw Sabre's presents away and punched him~ Good Being~ I laughed a bit and watched Sabre walk back to his cave. The little being better cause Sabre more trouble~ Because now... I am very interested in it~ Maybe I will get it to join us~ To work with us~ This will be a LOT of fun~ Don't you think so too dear readers?~

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