A/N + Chapter 14

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Okay... first... holy SHIT that Episode gave me the chills! If you have NOT yet Watched the New Episode of the Steve Saga... Watch it PLZ. And Second... From now on when Illusion Steve Speaks he shall speak with this font thingy. Okay enjoy!

Villains aren't obviously cut...
Cut dry.
Evil will learn there is more to live than
This World.
But... I figured it out. So this is the...
Steve Saga. Interesting.


Help us...

-Sabre' POV-

What... What jut happened... I felt a Shiver go down my Spine. Something is wrong. "Aren't you a LITTLE curious as to where Galaxy Steve is? Don't you worry about your 'Good Old Friend'?", Illusion Steve starred right at me, causing more shivers to go down my spines... "Yes! Of course I worry about him... But I worry more about the situation at hand!" I groaned.
He was lying. This wasn't all a distraction-
Wait... He.. He can break stuff? He opens the machine for Alex and... She can walk.
Me and Lucy looks at him with Confusion before he started to chuckle "I learned the truth Sabre... I learned the Truth about... The... Steve Saga. A pathetic little Name for a 'Adventure'. For a little 'Fun'. I have FIGURED OUT THE TRUTH! This world is NOTHING Compared to YOUR world!"

No... he can't Know... "Illusion Steve... Shut it..." Lucy Grumbled.
"AND this world also isn't compared to YOUR World, Lucy... Magic... Friends... Adventures. But also not real. And you know it." Illusion Steve Grumbled as he glared at Lucy. She the proceeded to Hide behind me again before... I... I tried to Explain what the Steve Saga is... It was... hard... I sobbed out some of my sentences... He knew... HOW DOES HE KNOW?! HE IS BREAKING THE FUCKING 4TH WALL!! "STOP BREAKING THE 4TH WALL!! THIS ISN'T UNDER SABRE'S CONTROL!!! THIS ISN'T JUST A GAME!!!" Lucy Yelled at Illusion Steve as I kept trying to explain...
Everything to Alex and the Guardian... Alex started to tear up, Obviously Frustrated, Scared... Confused... The Guardian just... Looked at me and Illusion Steve... confused...

Lucy seemed to start to get angry at Illusion Steve as she kept yelling at him telling him to shut up... He was trying to... To... Make my friends go against me... He is trying... To make my... My Best Friends hate me! "No one Questioned where is Friend Lucas went too." He chuckled... Stop this madness... Anyone... I kept trying to explain that... I can't stay forever and that it isn't a game. Not for them. I don't wanna leave them... But he... HE keeps trying to make them go against me.
"I'll find a way... A way for all of us being able to live in transcend into his world. Just like I found a way for myself to leave this world and go into Lucy's... AND SABRE'S World." What...?

After that sentence, Lucy shut up and teared up... "Don't hurt my Friends... please..." She sobbed "Please stay away from them" She was scared for her friends in her world... "Oh I won't.... I promise. They will be save... and soon also be reunited with you." Illusion Steve chuckled

-???'s POV-

Oh how amusing... Illusion Steve was aware of... Sabre. But not of me. He isn't aware who is watching. And who will allow people to come and go. I allowed him to go... Screw around with Sabre's "Intro". I loved listening to What he said... And him telling that... He WILL Come into Sabre's World... Oh how exciting! Watching the little ones cry... Be confused and Scared... Oh how... Funny. How amusing. Illusion Steve is so far... My favorite... 'Villain' of the Steve Saga. He is aware of everything. Doesn't just simply ignore it... And learned how to GET OUT. Let's see how long this will go on and for how long he will survive... My lovely readers... Have Have a beautiful day~ Bye bye.

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