Chapter 41 + A/N

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Anyway. Season 2 will be amazing, especially since Rainbow Steve-
I just... Also I love the new intro it makes me just-
It makes me happy af
Okay so... what I think will happen is: Dark Steve will join the Team and try to be a good guy.  Reverse Steve will be a bit of a bigger problem now. Okay and yes- Rainbow is Orange. So yay- He ain't ded- Anyway chapter 41 here we come. If you have any theories, tell me in the comments ✌✌✌

-Rainbow's POV-

I laughed a bit and felt tears run down  my face as I was just hugged by everyone... But YinYang, Light, Kira and Komaru. Lucy, LovelyMoon and Evelyn were crying, Yasui and Liam were laughing and Cindy and Sabre were grinning happily. "YOU'RE OKAY!!! ORANGE YOU'RE... YOU'RE THE HERO!!!" Lucy laughed and just hugged me more tightly. "You've always been OUR Hero already... But now you're THE Hero!" Evelyn laughed happily... I'm back with my friends... My family! "Orange... No. Rainbow... This is amazing. And now... You will have to also have to train and learn about your powers like LovelyMoon!" Yasui laughed and cuddles me. LovelyMoon grins and hugged me more tightly as I looked over at Light Steve... He gave me a reassuring nod as if saying "I will help you, My hero." This will be... Interesting. "Let's go trough the light portal to go... Wherever." Liam told us... And that is what we all did.

-Raven's POV-

I laughed and sat back into MY throne... Oh how fun this will be. "Dark Steve. We... Will need a new Steve. Since those useless siblings and YinYang Steve escaped. So get ready to train newlings." I looked over at Dark Steve, who nodded and bowed to me... His queen. I chuckled a bit and I just... I...
I slowly closed my eyes and thought about everything that had already happened. "Your majesty... This and all the other worlds... This multiverse. It will be all yours." I simply thought. The entire multiverse will belong to my Queen... You may be asking yourself who she is... But I may not reveal this just yet.
"Raven?" I suddenly heard Dark Steve speak up, causing me to open my eyes "Is something wrong? Also do you wish to have a specific kind of Steve and want me to 'Design' one or do you wish to do so on your own?"... Actually I am starting to think he might actually like me and care for me... NAH!
"You may design a Steve if you wish. Or an Alex.  I don't care." I shrugged "And nothing is wrong. Just... Thought a bit." I got up from my throne and walked back out onto the balcony "Just thinking..." I looked out onto the land... This will be all... Quiet interesting.

If any of you have an idea for some kind of Steve you may tell me. I wouldn't mind hearing your ideas!

A Unforgettable Quest [A Steve Saga Reboot/Rainbow Quest Story]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin