Chapter 16

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Just in case..
There will be cursing

-Lucy's POV-

I groaned and leaned against a wall.. Someone stole the Crystal... Orange was taking deep breaths and suddenly... The indigo portal opened and Indigo Steve showed up. "Wait what-" I blinked and walked over to Indigo Steve with the others. "Hello Indigo Steve!" I greeted with a small smile... "Hello, Lucy. Hello everyone else." He greeted back and smiled at me. "So what do you need indigo?" Liam asked... "I have someone who wants to talk to you." Indigo exclaimed. "I'm in." I giggled "me too. Who is it?" Sabre said and tilted his head... "If you follow me into the portal I can show you." Indigo exclaimed with a gentle smile... We took a running start and them ran into the portal... We were in some random plain and... It gave me a red Steve, Orange Steve meeting us vibe... Except that I didn't pass out now. "It's safe to come out! They're friendly!" Indigo suddenly shouted... Causing Causing a blue Steve to walk over... My eyes sparkled as I looked at him... The light just bounced off of him which looked so pretty! "Hello! Nice to meet you!" Sabre said... "You are Sabre, Lucy and Liam... Right?" The blue Steve asked, causing us to nod.
"Yes. It's nice to meet you!" Liam said and kindly smiled. "Nice to meet you too! I'm blue Steve!" He is so kawaii :3
"It's very nice to meet you! I LOVE your Blue tone! And if I remember right..  Blue Steve's are all about... Spirit right?" I asked. "Exactly!" Blue smiled. "Well what did you want to talk to us about?" Sabre asked... "Well I've heard you are trying to collect the crystals." Wait... does that mean Blue can help us collect the blue crystal?! My eyes sparkled once more as I nodded. "You really do like him, huh?" Lunar giggled... I swear if she will ship me with him....We also had to explain the Nightmare Steve shit... Which shocked them. Especially the testing part... "Well anyway... I wanted to talk to you about the hero you're trying to create!" Blue exclaimed. "YES! MORE PEOPLE ON OUR SIDE!!" I squeaked and hugged Blue. Orange took a solid deep breath as I.... I started to think. "Yes well... Rainbow Steve..." Blue started... "What about him?" Sabre asked. Now I'm getting uneasy... "Wait... Spirit... You know about the world beyond meaning... You know about the previous Rainbow Steve." Liam said and looked at Blue... does that mean... Maybe he also knew about the past timeline...? No. Impossible. That has nothing to do with Spirit. Stupid of me to think that... "Well what is it blue Steve...?: Sabre asked... "Well like many Heroes, Rainbow Steve had his up and downs..." What is he trying to tell us...? "Unstoppable as he may be... He is still a Steve." I think I understand... "So... He still has the weaknesses of any Steve?" I asked... "You can answer that later... Please just cut to the point and... and tell us what you want to tell us." Sabre said... "I want you tell you about the past Rainbow Steve." What? "I want to tell you about the past hero and how he sealed away the darkness..." Wha...
"Listen closely to him..." Yoosung...? From where is he whispering to me...?!

-Kinda lazy to write the entire Rainbow Steve Past story from the video so yeah. They now back at the Rainbow hub and it has been a day after that-

I sighed and simply was laying on my bed... Today we were gonna go see what Nightmare Steve is planning... Kinda didn't wanna go... I slowly closed my eyes but immdeitaley opened them again as Orange suddenly burst in my room and shouted "Lucy we have to go to the yellow Kingdom!!". I groaned and slowly sat up. "Coming. Coming..." I groaned and git up before leaving with orange to the yellow Portal, where Liam and Sabre waited... Before we all ran trough the portal-
Oh. My. God!! THE KINGDOM IS HUGE!!! IT'S INSANE!!! The eyes of the others where sparkling as they stared at it... Before we all actually ran towards the entrance. "Oh. Up there is a yellow Steve!"Liam exclaimed and looked up at tell Wall. "Hello! Nice to meet you, sir! You look super strong!" I giggled, hoping that if I boost his ego he would let us in... But... "Non-Yellow Steve's aren't allowed in the kingdom!" What. "Oh. Okay! But... Could you make a special occasion here? We ate here to... Uh..." Sabre... Come up with something good... "We are refuges!" Sabre yelled. "No I cannot!" The Yellow Steve Guard exclaimed... "I... Hey I'm are yellow Steve. I'm just in disguise." Liam hummed and pointed at his yellow eyes. "Hm...." The guard looks at Liam before shaking his head "The only people that are allowed to enter are Yellow Kingdom Armies and people bringing supplies!" Ah! "Oh of course! We completely forgot that we are here to guys some very important supplies!!" I exclaimed. Sabre blinked and looked at me. "Show me the supplies then!" The guard said... And so I pulled out some supplies that I originally git to help make the house bigger. Liam did the same. "Those two others are our assistance's. May we please come in?" Liam hummed... The Guard sighed and nodded, before saying "Okay. Then come in" and opening the gate. Me and Liam smirked, before walking in, dragging Orange and Sabre after us... And immediately Liam's eyes sparkled again as he saw our yellow steve. "Yellow!!" Liam smirked and hugged him, before whispering something to him. "Ah!! The special supplies! Yes of course... Just... Follow me." Oh Liam let him In on our mission. He secretly handed us sets of golden armour and led us to a spot where no one could see us... And where we got into the golden armour. "Now it will be harder to see if we aren't Yellow Steve's!" Sabre exclaimed "We appreciate this Yellow Steve!". "Could you bring us to where Nightmare Steve is...?" Liam said... "Yeah of course! Anything for my best friend!" Yellow smiled.

-Liam's POV'

Good thing that me and Yellow are such good friends! He started to lead us away... He led us right to the castle and... I looked up at the huge statue and I was simply impressed! But the castle... It was stunning. Nothing I have ever seen before. It leaves me speechless... "Halt!" Damn it... another guard. "Wait I git this." Sabre whispered... "Who goes there?" The guard asked... "Obviously 5 yellow Steve's, looking to pass by... We are... Bringing supplies and needing to report! So it would be great if you'd let us pass." Nice Sabre. "Oh okay." That... That was easy. The guard moves out of the way and we simply walked in. "Thank you!" I bowed and we kept following Yellow... It's... Ominous in here... "Right up here is nightmare Steve... I am not gonna take any chances." Yellow exclaimed and looked up the Stairs. "You've already done enough for us. Thank you yellow... But do you mind waiting outside for us? In case if we need a quick escape?" I asked... "Of course." Yellow smiled before leaving. We sighed and slowly walked up the stairs... God... It's... Scary. Those stairs are just... Nothing is underneath it... But at the same time... Thus is all so... Pretty. Lucy was holding Orange's hand to make him less afraid due to his fear of heights... And there he is... Nightmare Steve, sitting on his Damn throne.

We quickly ran to the next staircase and then overheard something... "It's a good thing we caught you. I can't believe you escaped my facility." Nightmare king was talking to the yellow Steve we rescued...! "Such a rude little Guy... Just escaping your beautiful facility." Raven... "Crap... He wasn't able to spread he truth..." Sabre sighed... "S-Sir...? Can't we just... sh-show him some mercy...?" The assistance asked... He sounded so scared and sorry... "Show mercy?! I'll show you all mercy!!" Oh no... He is getting angry... "Never show ANYONE Mercy... In fact... We should also punish you, little worthless Assistant!" Rika laughed... Before she pushed the saved yellow Steve down into the abyss... Our eyes widened in shock... "Someone who Betrays once... Will Betray you once again." Nightmare king chuckled, seemingly to be amused by What Rika had done... That sick Fuck... "YOU wouldn't do something like that tho... Would you?" He asked his assistant... "no sir! I-Id never! And I'm sorry..." The assistant was even more afraid now... "Good... We need a trustworthy little yellow Steve on our side~" Rika giggled "Especially since... We have the second crystal." No... They HAVE the orange crystal!! "Damn it..." Lucy muttered "We should've known he took them..." "That's not good!" Orange whined. No shit! "Of course it's not good! We have to do something about it!" Sabre said... "No... You don't get it..." Orange...? "What do you mean?!" Sabre grumbled... "It's not the real crystal!" Orange exclaimed... Were we... Tricked?! "It's about fake. I swapped it in case someone stole it!" Orange Steve you brilliant Bastard! "Orange! You're a genius!" Lucy smiled happily "Well.. If a non-orange Steve tries to use it... It will explode!" WHAT-
Then what will happen if Rika tried to use it?! "Oh so it's fine." Sabre hummed... "No you don't get it..." And there is more... "It will EXPLODE!"...Oh. Oh Fuck. Oh NO!! OH FUCK NO!!! "ORANGE STEVE! WHY IS THAT EXPLOSION SO BIG?!" I whisper yelled... This is Horrible.

A Unforgettable Quest [A Steve Saga Reboot/Rainbow Quest Story]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें