chapter 38

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-Cindy's POV-

Shit. A Gold Steve found us... And diamond Steve behind him... He... He knocked him out. Omfg! He is... He is pushing him out. Hiding him. Holy Shit. We all starred and wee really uncomfortable... Diamond Steve then came back and simply said "Okay I took care of the situation."... Holy Shit! "You just knocked one of your own people! Could you explain WHY?!" I tried not to yell. "What are you talking about? He just went back to sleep cause he was tired." ...WHAT?! THE?! FUCK?! "We saw you hit him! And we saw you DRAG HIM OUT!" Yeah we did Sabre. I mean it is kinda good but at the same time it wasn't. He refused to let us talk to the Gold Steve and told us to just finish the machine... We Then uh... went to talk. "Anyone else terrified?" Sabre asked. "What was that? What was that?!" Guardian whisper yelled. Good question. "The diamond Steve 'Took care of the situation'..." I sighed... Holy Shit.  Yeah I am still terrified. This is much worse than I thought what would happen. Holy Fuck. "He is still creepily standing up at the stairs... I think he is loonitooning. He is crazy." Yes sabre. "OK Guys, can we just finish his machine so we can take care of the lightning?!" We heard Diamond say and went back over to him. "We are just...  Thinking. Big brain time. Big brain thinking time... Y-Yeah..." Oh geez we are running out of things to say...
After some talking and getting hot by lighting once Sabre did a dumb move... And got us locked down here. The diamond Steve locked us in the room with Glass. Sabre went to break the glass but... we weren't able to break blocks. I took a deep breath and started to yell "I COMMAND THAT YOU LET US THE FUCK OUT YOU CREEP!!!". The diamond Steve just... Creepily chuckled "Let me know when you want to finish the machine. Have fun~" before leaving. I punched the glass and... It hurt like hell.  We need to build the machine. Sabre said there has to be a secret exit behind the lava and he said The guardian should go first... Me and Alex whispered to the Guardian "If you never go. It will never be his turn." "That's smart..." Yes guardian yes. "He will just take his time. All the time he needs. Also... I doubt there is a secret exit and none of us will jump trough there. It's a -90 Chance that there is a secret exit." I grumbled. Sabre whined and we just... Talked. As we talked I got a bad feeling... A very bad feeling... I sighed and hugged myself... "Let's just work with him... That guy is weird..." I quietly grumbled. We all agreed and Sabre called him down telling him we will help. We got hit by lightning again and then went to work.

~Whilst our Main Group is Working on the machine... We shall see what Lucy and Galaxy Steve are up to~

-Lucy's POV-

It's been quiet a long time since Sabre and Alex have been gone... Me and Galaxy were both rather worried but tried to concentrate on our task: Finding the Green steve! We of course took some breaks every now and then, especially when Galaxy didn't feel too well. He has gotten a quiet a lot better over time tho! And we have also been getting to know each other a bit better! He was a fun guy and told me about some people. Like Time Steve and Elemental Steve. I wish I could meet them... Anyway! Right now we were just taking a break and I was looking trough a chest with resources! We still had quiet enough. And we actually also build a nice little house.

 And we actually also build a nice little house

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Not a dirt one tho. We both lived in it. And it was pretty nice. "Hey Lucy?" I heard galaxy Steve and already heard that he wanted to ask a question. "Hm? Yes?" I hummed and closed the chest. "Where are you from? And aren't your friends worried?" His questions made me freeze for a moment before I sighed and turned to him, with a gentle smile. "I'm... From a different world. I don't really know what EXACTLY It is called tho. And yeah my friends must be really worried... I hope they are okay... Especially my brother..." I frowned at the thought of my brother.... We just had found each other again and I was scared to loose him again...
I sighed and looked trough the Food chest... Only to notice we don't have so much food anymore... "Galaxy we gotta go get some more food." I hummed and walked to the exit of the... Illusion town. "Okay let's go get some more then! And also grab more resources?" Galaxy Steve ran over to me and I just nodded. 

-Galaxy's POV-

I walked after Lucy which had decided that we should get some more food and resources. It's been quiet quiet a long time since we've last seen sabre and Alex...I was pretty worried... But I thankfully had a nice friend with me! So I wasn't all alone! It was nice. I smiled happily as we walked towards the forest where we got APPLES And meat most of the time. We also sometimes went fishing! It was fun...!  I smiled and was about to say something as I suddenly heard a... Creepily Calm Chuckle... A male one... It wasn't a familiar voice... Which made me rather scared... I looked around and for a few seconds everything turned black... The red... Then black.... And then back to normal... "Lucy...?" I was shaking as I turned to where my Purple haired friend used to stand, as I wanted to grab her... But she was nowhere to be seen... This made me scared and worried. What if she was in danger... no she Couldn't be.... It only has been a few seconds... No one could just grab her that... Quickly... I suddenly heard the same chuckle again... It made me shiver... "G-Galaxy...!!!" I suddenly heard Lucy... But she didn't sound the same... she sounded...
"Oh Galaxy Steve~", What was that?! I looked around but no one was there... "L-LUCY?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I cried out... I'm scared... I just heard her sobs... And then her screams of pain... Then everything event silent... I only heard the wind... Creepy... I took a few deep breaths as I was also shaking out of fear... Calm down Galaxy Steve... Calm down...
"Have fun being scared, You big Baby~" The male Voice giggled... I looked around... No one was around.... No one was here for me... I was alone... And I started to cry...

Help me...

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