Chapter 44

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This is the Steve Saga...

-Lucy's POV-

I ran a hand trough my hair as I watched Galaxy Steve teleport away, to find someone... Anyone. Maybe The Guardian or Alex? Or... Who knows. After a while Galaxy Steve came back... "THERE IS NOBODY AROUND HERE!!!!" Galaxy Steve screeched... Yeah let's just say Sabre had to leave for a bit to scream his soul out.
"So... Okay... Can I try something?" Liam looked at us... "Yes, please." Lucas nervously laughed... "Okay one second." With those words, Liam walked off... Huh... I'm wondering what he has planned-
"YOU SAID WHAT?!" Cindy?!
"Wait who-" galaxy seemed so confused... He didn't meet Cindy yet so... Haha.. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN-" She sounded rather... Angry.

Yeah... There she comes "SABRE!!!!" Oh God what did Sabre do. Yeah okay he is already hiding behind me. "I have no idea what I've done, but I'm scared of the mom-" LMAO- Sabre you must've done SOMETHING. "SABRE DID YOU DO THE PURPLE CHILD?!" WAIT WHAT-
"WHAT- NO!!! LIAM!" Sabre glares at Liam
"Only way to get Cindy. Okay so- Galaxy Steve have you ever been to outerspace?" Liam looked at Galaxy Steve... Wait wha... What was my brother planning...? "Yes... Why- Wait. Wait I know what you are planning." Galaxy's eyes seem to be sparkling more than before... What WERE they planning?!

Liam suddenly grabbed Cindy and Galaxy before running off with them... Me, Lucas and Sabre were simply... Confused.

-Hours later-

I was so... Tired... I was literally just leaning against Sabre... Trying to bit fall asleep... I mean... It was already night... And I'm so tired... Sabre stroking my head wasn't making it any better... My eyes slowly started to shut... As suddenly... "We are done." Cindy walked over. Her voice immediately woke me up again... "Done with what?" Lucas seemed very confused... What did they make...? "Follow me. Oh also... Uh... I'm Cindy Sakura. I'm sorry for the late introduction." Cindy held her hand out to Lucas, softly smiling at him... He took her hand and shook it, smiling back at her and I swore I could see a 'This is my new mom' - look in his eyes. "Anyway follow me." And that is what we did. We walked after Cindy to a... Gigantic boat?! It looked so cool! "Whoa." Sabre seemed impressed... But also confused "Why did you guys make this? For what?"... "So that we can go to space. Galaxy did most the outside work... Me and Liam did the inside work and all the electronics." To space?! Wait wait WAIT! "WHAT?! WHY DO YOU WANNA GO TO SPACE?!" I just stared at Cindy...
"Long story. Just... Come onto the ship. We have space suits for you all. And your own rooms-" yeah me and Lucas are just SPRINTING up there. GIMME THAT ROOM HOES-

-A long time later-

This is the mf space saga now, Bitches-
I look so cute in this space suit-
Oh also Galaxy Steve merged with the ship, lol. So the ship can talk. It's cute.
"Okay can we gooooo?" I hugged galaxy Steve, my eyes sparkling
"Yes please" Galaxy Steve squealed...
Okay yeah I'm just being a small kiddie. I'm sorry. I'm just excited.
"Calm down you two. We will take off soon" Cindy chuckles and gently pat our heads
"Galaxy ship. Ready for launch?" Liam asked
"Ready to launch. Where do you wish to go?" Galaxy Steve was so polite, awwww
"Set coordinates to the moon!" We all said...
We all gripped the galaxy tree and... Off we go. Off. We. Go-

Omg we are right next to the moon, ffs. FEK

"Warning. Life forms detected... On the moon." Wait... What?! There is... Life on the moon...?

A Unforgettable Quest [A Steve Saga Reboot/Rainbow Quest Story]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora