Chapter 19

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-Alex's POV-

I starred at Lucy in Horror after she stopped laughing... There is SOMETHING wrong with her!!! Gotta be. Sabre also just starred at her, also in horror. Galaxy Steve as well. Geez... "Don't do that again please..." Illusion Steve Mumbled before... SABRE LET HIM OUT?! "SABRE!! What the hell?!" Lucy screeched and shook Sabre before he explained us why he did so. Lucy sighed and shook her head. "I am not convinced by this shit, Sabre. Giving him another chance... This isn't a 'Oops it's okay here is another chance' Situation!" She growled and hit him on the head. "She is right Sabre! This is a 'Oops I did it again and I've broken your heart' Situation! We can't give him another chance..." Galaxy Steve held to Lucy and knew that she was right. I do as well gold to Lucy... Giving Illusion Steve another Chance... Isn't a good idea.

Sabre sighed and Illusion Steve mumbled "Sabre is correct... I learned my lesson but I would like to keep my powers..." Wait what?! He CAN'T keep my powers!! I growled a bit and took a deep breath, trying to keep calm. Sabre talked and kept interrupting Galaxy Steve. Causing him to just make his weird noises. I sighed and looked at Lucy who obviously didn't listen anymore. Weird that it is so obvious to see... I snapped out of my thoughts and watched Sabre walk away, seeing that he didn't feel so fine. "I think we should work together." Sabre grinned at us. "WAIT WORK TOGETHER?!" Lucy and Galaxy Steve suddenly got very loud, which caused me to jump a bit... Geez together they are VERY loud... "Knowing that I get to choose your fate in the end is quiet... Comedic. Isn't it? I... Have no leverage of this world but... You don't want this world. And that IS my leverage..." Yeah yeah... Galaxy Steve is getting bored. "Galaxy Steve don't go too far, okay?" Sabre sighed and watched Galaxy Steve walk off... He is still like a cute small kid...

I sighed and looked at Lucy which chuckled as she watched Galaxy Steve. She was obviously a big Fan of him already and was already very amused by him. That is good.  Whilst keep listening I always looked back and forth to Lucy and Sabre and Illusion-
What is happening? Sabre and Lucy quickly ran to the tree and down to the core while I had to stay with Illusion Steve... What did Galaxy Steve do again...?! I sighed at the thought of what he could've done again... I waited and heard Lightning again... What is he doing...?! I was so close to running there... But sabre and Lucy came back... Finally. "Can you and Lucy go look after Galaxy Steve? And make sure that he won't go into the core again?" I sighed and went with Lucy to Glaxay Steve. And we watched him build a dirt house... Beautiful... Very beautiful.

-Timeskip to the next episode cuz I'm lazy. Also Galaxy Steve is Baby please no one ever hurt him holy shit I love him so much-

-Lucy's POV-

GALAXY STEVE IS BABY! No one can change my mind. He is so Kawaii. But also a bit dumb... He just used a sign and Dirt to fix up the machine and no one was able to tell him that it was terrible. Not even Illusion Steve. Because he is Baby. And nobody wants to see him sad. I looked at all the Lighting and over at Alex's machine before running over to it and getting her out. "Try and fly!" Sabre grinned and... Alex flew and Squealed happily! Awesome! I then went over to Illusion Steve and got him out. "Thanks..." I heard him mumble, which made me chuckle. I went back over to the others and hugged Alex, who was SUPER HAPPY about having her powers back! I grinned happily at her and then heard my Belly grumble. "Want me to get you all some apples?" We three nodded. I sighed and then heard Illusion Steve and heard how he was being a dick again... And also tried hurting the beans feeling... Someone gonna die.

I growled and held a new Diamond sword and was so close to cutting his head off as he kept rambling. "OI! YOU WILL DIE IF YOU DON'T SHUT UP-" "HE IS IN! AYE HE IS IN!!" Galaxy Steve And Sabre laughed as I sighed a bit annoyed... He is still baby. "I'm back...?" I heard Alex so i turned around to her and hugged her. "Don't leave me alone with them again. I love them but holy shit I was so close to shoving my sword up their ass" I clinged to her as Illusion Steve just kept rambling. She gave us the Apples and Galaxy Steve ran around with them, happy af. He is baby. I laughed and ate an apple. Sabre is... Really good. He has a good heart and just wants to help... He deserves a lot of happiness... I smiled a bit and heard that Illusion Steve voice softened. Huh... Never thought that would happen.

We watched him leave and I chuckled a bit... Did we win? Maybe. Was it easy? No? Am I no longer hungry? Yes. Was Sabre forgetting someone? Yes! The Guardian! We gotta go save him!!! "Can we go save the Guardian now?" I chuckled and pat Galaxy Steve causing sabre to Nod. "APPLES!" Galaxy Steve giggled... So Cute. "Are we walking?" No. "How do we get there?" Cute but dumb.

A Unforgettable Quest [A Steve Saga Reboot/Rainbow Quest Story]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن