Chapter 19

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-Lucy's POV-

Me and sabre sprinted outside to Orange and Liam... He just suddenly sprinted out- This... This wall. And the darkness is GONE- "WHA- HOW-" Liam sounded so confused... What was- "What's wrong?" ...Orange just Verbally spoke. Mine and Sabres jaws dropped open as we just stared at Orange... "Orange you can TALK?!" I squealed and ran up to him. "Huh? Oh hey-" I hugged Orange tightly and broke him off like that.  "Hey..." He coughed..  "HOW ARE YOU DOING THIS AND HOW DID YOU MAKE THAT WALL?!" Sabre screeched and ran over. "What do you mean? I'm just talking normally.." Orange tilted his head. "What... What do you mean you-" Sabre was cut off by Liam "Yeah okay uh... Orange can... can you like put the wall down?" "Oh yeah sure. I'll just turn it off." Orange hums, looks down and the wall disappears. We ran out and... The darkness was ACTUALLY gone?! We quickly Ran out and... We... We saw that the entire dark army was gone...
"HOW DID YOU DO THIS?!" Liam said, grabbed Orange by the shoulders and shook him... He just shrugged. I blinked and shoved Liam away... "Let's... Go to the orange village." I smiled... And Orange teleported us there. We took the golden armor off and I dusted off my clothes that were underneath it... I looked at the boys and walked after them... I swore I could see a small blush on someone's face... I just shrugged it off and walked with them to the leader... "Guy's,  get inside quick!" The leader said and dragged us in. The shy orange Steve was with him... "Did you sense us or how did you know that we were gonna come...?" Sabre asked- Omg shy is wearing a cute helmet! I squealed and hugged shy, while saying "You're soooo adorable with that helmet!" "I-Its my lucky helmet.." Shy giggled...
"I didn't think it would happen so quickly..." I just heard leader... I looked at him... "What do you mean?" Sabre asked...  I blinked and messed with Shy's hair, thinking he was still just too cute. "Stop being so cute with Shy, Lucy." Lunar laughed "Else people will start shipping you two!" Haha... Yeah sure. I simply rolled my eyes and listened... While listening we actually also walked up... A lot of things came out... "Unexpected." Lunar hummed... And for some reason... Orange slightly reminded me of... Galaxy... Haha... Him and his pufferfish... His stick... Him just being simply adorable, yet brave... It... He was... Kinda like Galaxy...  I slightly smiled and quietly giggled...

I then drifted off to my thoughts..  I closed my eyes and just... I talked to Lunar. "You seem so calm right now. How come..." Lunar hummed... "Yeah. I just... I'm thinking of an old friend... Of old Friends... Thinking of them makes me... Happy... And calm..." I hummed. It was true... Even if they might be gone forever... In this timeline... They... They will forever exist in my heart... And I will forever love them... No matter what... I smiled but yelped as I was suddenly pulled downstairs. Orange had grabbed my hand and pulled me down the stairs... I almost tripped. "Wait! Don't leave...!" The leader ran after us... "Huh? Why? Is there something dangerous waiting out there for us?" Sabre asked and looked up at the leader... "No not really... It's... The other orange Steve's..." What the leader said confused me, Sabre and Liam... Until we saw... All the oranges Steve's had... Lined up in front if the house... They... All wanted to talk to Orange...? Whoa... Do they just... See him as a powerful being now? I just... Stared out the window... "Oh... Oh. Oh they..." Orange bit his lip... "Oh dear... Okay I'll be your manager..." Sabre hummed. "I'll be your body guard!" I giggled playfully. I... Just wanted to play around-
I sighed as we stepped outside and I 'protected' Orange from the other orange Steve's... And made sure no other orange Steve would step out of line. While Liam... He gave everyone some food and bid them goodbye once they were done... We... also had an confliction... So I stepped in. "No Loud. Orange Steve will not tell funny this... if you don't appreciate Funny's jokes just... Tell him. Nicely." But... Loud just... He didn't listen.. Instead he... yelled at me...? Told me he didn't talk to me... And told me to keep quiet... I just looked away and said "Then go away. Either take my advice or go shove it up your a-" But was interrupted by Sabre "Loud orange Steve! Please don't be so rude to Lucy! She just wants to help!" ...I guess he knew I didn't appreciate that he just... Yelled at me... But in the end... He apologised and funny hugged me... He appreciated that I told loud that... And that I somewhat defended him... Anyway... Next up was energetic. He just wanted orange to create something magically. He... Got Gita pufferfish. Now... It was Shy's turn. "D-Do you... Do you like M-MY Stick... And can I have another hug from Lucy?" I. Love. That. Cutie! I immediately hugged him and said "No need to even ask!" And Orange told him he loved his stick. Then happy came... And asked how orange was. So sweet. It made him even more happy. And then the last one... Chill. "How does one be chill?" Nice bruh. "Vibe." Orange said. Niiiiceee. And after that... It was all fine. Just a annoyed orange Steve was... Annoyed that everyone was so loud. So in the... We went back to the rainbow hub. I stretched and walked towards the house... This was...

A long day.

-Raven's POV-

I groaned and fell back into my bed... I had no idea why I even agreed to help Yoosung with his Cow farm... It's so... ANNOYING! I groaned and covered my face... I love my brother but... I hated how IDIOTIC he sometimes was... I sighed and suddenly just heard my brother yell "I'll be back in a little."... He went to see Lucy... He must. He just... He knew Lunar was inside her... He knew... The love of his life was in there... I sighed and rubbed my eyes before sitting up... It was them... Liam's and Lucy's dark beings... Their beings that knew their darkest desires... I guess they CAN escape their bodies... "Hello, Mistress Raven~", Mistress... haha... How stupid of them... They want to join me. Without noticing that in the end... I will use them. I will... Use them for my own desires~ For my evil plans~ They won't realise what happened~ They will just see...
They shouldn't have trusted me~ "Kira. Komaru. It is... Nice to see you two want to serve me~" I calmly laughed... Oh those fools~ Those idiotic fools~

A Unforgettable Quest [A Steve Saga Reboot/Rainbow Quest Story]Where stories live. Discover now