Chapter 4̵̧̡̛̼̼͈̜̹̟̺͎̝̼͕̭̖͕̦̝̥̲͕̦͒́͌̐͐̈̽̂͌̇͗̓͐̈́̉̊̔̉̕͘͘͜͠͝͝ͅ6 1 Rainbow Quest

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-Sabre's POV-

I yawned as I entered the name of the world that was sent to me and had also already entered the seed for the world... It looked like a bunch of binary and I have no idea what it says. [I actually translated it and it says RS]

I was very worried as the world loaded... what if it was some messed up world?!
A few seconds passed as I finally was inside the world... It was... Very ordinary. Nothing special about it-
"Sabre?" I heard a familiar female voice talk behind me. I turned around and my eyes met with my Female Friend: Lucy. Wait... Why was she inside a world I JUST generated? "Lucy? What are you doing in my newly generated world?" I asked her and noticed the confusion on her face. "Newly generated? I have been stuck here for a week! I don't know HOW I got here but I... I was just suddenly here." Wait what?! That makes NO Sense!! I sighed and suddenly Lucy gave me some stone tools and a crafting table and furnace. "Here you go by the way. I made two of each just in case I would encounter anyone here." She softly smiled At me before jumping back a bit and pointing at something behind me. I turned around and... What is that? Is... Is that a walking shadow? We both stumbled backwards, almost falling on our butts, as we saw the shadow walk closer to us. "Hello? Are you gonna attack us? Or haunt us?" I asked and slowly walked towards it... It was suddenly gone and on the tree. Me and Lucy both pulled out our swords and that thing ran away.

I immediately ran after it and Lucy ran after me yelling "Sabre wait!" I kept running after it and... It ran into something rather creepy rundown cave. That is so ominous. "Please tell me we won't go in there." Lucy whined as she hid behind me... We probably should go in there... That thing ran in there for a reason after all... I sighed and was about to say something as we heard a male slightly chuckle and whisper "This new adventure will be so fun...~", causing me to ask myself if this was all a trick? "H-Hello? Who's there?!" Lucy asked and whined. But no answer... I sighed "Lucy... We have to go in that cave. Whoever talked right there and whatever that thing was... Maybe they are both connected to this Cave. Let's just... Rush in there and hope that it's not an horrible trap or something."

Lucy sighed and whimpered "Can't we try going around?" "No. We are going in..." Lucy sighed at my answer and slowly went inside with me. We went deep Inside it and... "Whoa... What is this place...?" Me and Lucy said at the same time. We looked at each other and then walked around it a Bit, looking at the signs... "This... This is a giant grave area." Lucy said and looked at me. I nodded at her and looked at the main grave, noticing some dark mist coming out of it. "This place is so haunted." She sighed before also looking at the main grave and then having noticed something. "The final door to a reality once known but sealed to eternity" she mumbled... I walked over to her and saw she was looking at a sign that had those exact words written on it... Yep. I'm scared- OH HOLY MOLY-
Me and Lucy both jumped back into a wall as Lightning suddenly happened and... Whatever it is came out of the grave.
"A blue Steve..." Lucy muttered under her breath. The blue Steve looked at us two and spoke... In the chat: "Beware of unleashing a reality that was long sealed by an ancient race of beings." Wait what? I screamed screamed a bit as he hit me once with lightning. I apologised to him and asked him if he wanted me to leave or... But he just said "There is no way out.".

Lucy whimpered "Was that you who lead us here...?"... Instead of saying anything he just blocked the way. I nervously chuckled and was about to say something but he just said "You have freed these beings." Who? Me? Lucy? Who of us two? Both of us? "And now... You will join them." He said. "Wait what?!" Lucy tried backing up further into the wall. Oh dear god...

Suddenly a lot of lightning started to happen and I tried to calm the blue Steve down and tell him that we should be friends. It... Didn't work. Me and Lucy were suddenly somewhere completely different. In a room that leads to a very bright hallway. I tried to break some things but... I couldn't. We squinted our eyes as we walked down the very bright hallway... And walked up to a portal... "...Sabre I'm giving you the fault for everything. You are going through the portal first." Lucy hissed at me, causing me to sigh. Well it pretty much WAS my fault... I was the one who made the choice to go into that Grave area. I backed up and ran into the portal... And suddenly was in a smaller room. A few seconds later Lucy stumbled out of the same portal and groaned as she fell not her knees. I carefully helped her up. "Thanks..." She sighed and looked around "We are in a even smaller room... Great." She whined and walked up to a door... "Lucy. Who is that Blue Steve guy? And how did you know what he was?" I asked her as she opened the door. "I read a book about Steve's. They are... Well it's a long story." She sighed and walked inside the room. A even smaller room with two beds, that are next to each other... Great. And a mushroom in a flower pot. We walked back out of the room and closed the door. "Let's go back trough the portal..." Lucy sighed and walked towards the portal... But as soon as she got closer it just broke like GLASS! She screams a bit in fear and suddenly was clinging to me. I pat her head and dragged her back into the room and... I noticed a pressure plate. I carefully stepped on it, with Lucy still clinging to me and... A secret door opened. We both walked trough "Hello?" I called out, hoping someone was here. "This... This looks like a house? Why was thre a portal in a house?" Lucy said as she looked around. We walked trough another door and- That's... That's a pile of Redstone... "Wait... Wait oh my god. Oh stars. This could be the house of of a red Steve." Lucy gasped and walked out the room we were in. I followed her and looked at her in confusion. I walked to a different door and opened it- "Whoa whoa whoa!" I jumped back as I saw a red person. Lucy peeked inside the room and gasped "I was right! That's a red steve!!" "A Red Steve? What??"

A Unforgettable Quest [A Steve Saga Reboot/Rainbow Quest Story]Where stories live. Discover now