Chapter 10

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-Sabre's POV-

I gasped and looked around... Lucy was on the ground, blacked out so I picked her up... Illusion Steve brought me somewhere and... I... The Rainbow Tree of life...? "It can't be real... You can't just make Another rainbow Tree of life. It HAS to be Illusion and... Oh My gosh is THAT The Rainbow Wall, Man?! Did you just make the Rainbow Town?! And made Lucy black out?! Are you serious?!" That... Ugh... He can't be serious. Didn't he learn ANYTHING from what I said?! Actually... I bet he didn't even listen.

"You can't just do things like that! I don't understand how did you creat it so well?!" That...
"I. Am illusion Steve, Sabre. Inside of these walls is it possible to create a new nation. A NEW WORLD. The rainbow Tree of life is now the Illusion Tree of life and the Rainbow Wall is now the Illusion wall. Or... Better known as something else but I'll just ley you figure it all out on your own. For now why don't we walk inside? I wanna show you something else." Illusion Steve told me.
I nodded, still holding Lucy, and went after him... As we went in... I saw a machine... And Alex in it. I ran over to her, making Sure Lucy won't fall out of my arms... I couldn't just leave her on the ground after all... Who knows what will happen to her then .

"Ah Illusion Steve. You're back and I... See you have Sabre and the annoying girl with you." The Guardian was there too... That Traitor...
"Guardian ... Thank you for organising all this so well. You've done a fantastic job." Illusion Steve Praised The Guardian for "Doing a Fantastic job" and blah blah blah... They are annoying Me... A lot.
He seemed happy and thanked him and... Illusion Steve had to leave and told The Guardian to treat him as one of their own.

I looked at the Guardian and talked with him and soon tried to Get Alex out... But I realise I can't do Crap.  And The Guardian told me taht me and Luci are part of Illusion Steve's Plan... And that his way is the only way... And told me taht the Rainbow Tree of life isn't... Just for deco. But for a purpose... This...

Isn't good. He also got a Demon Steve... And I told the Guardian taht he can change. That he can... Help. But... No... He just told me a bit more about Illusion Steve's Plan...
He was completely under Illusion Steve's Control and Alex didn't want to be in the Machine at all. Of course that didn't work and... The Guardian explained to me that If Illusion Steve brings every person in the world and puts them in a Machine...
He will... Make this Illusion... Into... Reality.
This isn't good at all.

A Unforgettable Quest [A Steve Saga Reboot/Rainbow Quest Story]Where stories live. Discover now