Chapter 29

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-Alex's POV-

I sighed as I was leaning against the wall... We have been here for hours... Sabre was very Frustrated as he suddenly haft an idea... He... He just opened and closed the door...  Cindy sighed, as the Closing and opening of the door annoyed her... "Sabre can you stop that please...?" She hissed and slides down the wall... "Why are you doing that...?" I starred at Sabre as he continued... "If I keep opening and closing the door someone who passes by is bound to hear it! And they will come over and help us, as long as thy are also not evil or a lunatic! So don't worry I will save the day!"... Well it wasn't a so stupid plan but... What if they fall in as well? Cindy just watched us as she sat on the ground and suddenly... "Hello?! Is that you Guys?" Hypno Steve?! Wait did that actually work?! I looked at Cindy who starred at Sabre and then started to grin happily, before jumping up. "Hypno Steve! Hypno Steve is that actually you?!" Sabre said happily and Got a reply "Yeah! I finally found you Guys!!" He opened the door and almost ran in but stopped as he saw the pit... He slowly backed up and looked down at us... "Go around and go through the Back doors, Hypno. Just go... Go back there." Cindy pointed at the back doors and Hypno walked there whilst talking to us "Whoa that was... Uh yeah... Sure I'm coming! Coming in! Coming in here... Wow... That was a close one... Almost fell in There too... How did... Why are you guys in there?! Whoa wait... Is that Lava down there...?" Hypno Steve starred down at us and we just nodded...

"We got stuck... And this is nooooooo way this is Alex fault... Nooooooo way, Hosè. Trust me Hypno Steve... It's sooooo not her fault." Sabre looked at me and... "Whoa Alex! I'm trying to defend you here! ItS nOt YoUr FaUlT aLeX!" Yeah that was a... a Sarcastic tone... Cindy sighed and looked up at Hypno Steve... "I am starting to think you are blaming her, Sabre..." He looked at Sabre, then me and then at Cindy. She just shrugged and said "Yeah he is. He is actually pissed off at her." Making me sigh...  "Naaaawwww man!!! Nawwww! Now if you condo save us that be great." Sabre grinned at Hypno Steve.
"YEAH SURE I'LL Save you right now! No problem! I'm kidding I have no idea how to help you out. How did you get trapped anyway?? Did you just walk in here like it wasn't a big deal and just walked in here?" That's whee the guilt hit me... I just felt a pair of eyes look at me and then heard Hypno Steve say "Oh." "We got tricked by a Green Steve, Hypno." Cindy sighed...
"Wait there is a green Steve?! Is he gonna help us? We can get the Heck outta here!" He had some hope that we ad to destroy. "Did you listen?! The Green Steve tricked us and trapped us and wants to disect us and use us for experiments! He doesn't wanna be friends nor want to help us Damn it!" Cindy just growled and then took deep breaths "Anyway any ideas?"... Sabre turned back to the door and spammed It again making us all sigh.

Cindy hit him over the head and pointed at Hypno Steve. "I know what I can do... It will drain a lot of power and afterwards I won't be any kind of help anymore..." Good! Great! "I can try and break these blocks... But if I do so... It's going to let out the energy I have been storing... And then there goes all the power all those Steve's gave to me... I'll be wasting it..." Hypno Steve explained... Cindy sighed "Sorry wish I could help you but I am COMPLETELY powerless... Sorry Hypno." She frowned at him and he just said that it is okay. Sabre explained that it wouldn't be a waste! He would save us!! WE GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE! Hypno also explained that he... Went to the... Nice green plains... Really?! Ughhhhhh!
Well anyway afterwards he broke the first two blocks... Now he had to break Obsidian... And... He... HE BROKE IT! We jumped outta thee and Cindy hugged Hypno Steve and picked him up, making him yelp. We quickly ran to the green nice plains but right before it we took a deep breath... we are free but... Sabre just realised something. He doesn't want to leave that Luantic alone and that we gotta deal with him... Which made Hypno Steve mad.

Cindy shook her head and carried Hypno Steve back and I just followed her and Sabre. This is kinda scary... I think we shouldn't go further... But Cindy and Hypno Steve wanted to keep going... Just like Sabre... "As much as I hate to say it... I think I have an idea..."

-Cindy's POV-

"Spit it out Hypno!" I grinned at him as we walked out the hallway. "The green Steve would be shocked if you see you escaped... My point Is that when he sees you have escaped he will want to trap you again. He will chase after you! If you guys are able to run away and lure him Far FAR away and then loose him... maybe we will be able to have quiet enough time, while he is searching for you, to go back down into his laboratory. All we gotta do is get caught by those doors he is so preoccupied by us that he forgets to close them behind him!" Best idea ever! "Hypno you are a Genius! But... Let's modify the plan a bit." I looked at the others and Sabre nodded. We probably both had the same idea. We just say we figured out how to get out by ourselves and the Green Steve will just be very focused on us. And if We get trapped again Hypno can save us again. He didn't feel comfortable with leaving us alone but agreed. We then brought him to a hiding spot: A Cave. A great deep cave. We walked  back and now need to be... Very fucking annoying! And think about what to say to get him really angry. Let's think about an insult... "We can say that he smells... Or uh... He doesn't like cake." "No. First one is already good." I pat Sabre's head and smiled at him. He smiled back like a little child before we started yelling "AY YO! GREEN STEVE YA SUCKER" We laughed and he came to us. And sabre just cake at him with the "You smell!" "That's it! Come back here!" We screamed and started running! We ran into the plains and tried to find a place where we can ditch him and then go back to his lab! We ran into a forest and ran as fast as we can. We did a small circle around a valley and I think we lost him... We kept running before hearing him yell "WHERE DID YOU GO?!" I Grinned as I was just too happy that we lost him! "Hypno Steve! Hypno Steve!" Sabre yelled and ran with us into the cave. "We lost him!" I panted a bit and smiled. I was barely able to see him since the cave was too dark.

So now we ran into the Lab and... Whoa... This is is a huge lab and... There was a... Core? In in a glass tank. It was floating above a Diamond black and... Hypno starred at it and just mumbled "Guys. This isn't good."

A Unforgettable Quest [A Steve Saga Reboot/Rainbow Quest Story]Where stories live. Discover now