Chapter 26

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-Cindy's POV-

I sighed and felt a bit better after the huge shock now... I had lost not too much blood, but still enough to make me a bit dizzy... Sabre had went to get me a apple since I was hungry and whenever I ate something I felt less dizzy... As Sabre came back with the apple Hypno was just changing my Bandage... "Here...!" Sabre threw the apple over to me and I caught it and ate it... Making me feel better. As soon as Hypno was dine with changing my bandage I got up and dragged the boys after me to find Alex... I was worried that whatever took her... Hurt her.
While the boys talked I just... Walked, whilst dragging them after me. What had happened to her...? Did it destroy her...? Hurt her...? Started controlling her...?

I only heard Hypno and Sabre argue as I suddenly... Saw Alex run towards us. I ran towards her and hugged her and inspected her, making sure that she wasn't hurt... She wasn't. Thank the stars... I sighed and she told us that she had found something on a mountain... "I can't explain it! So come on!" Alex ran up the mountain an we followed her... Confused and concerned... I wanted to ask her what had happened and if she was okay but I kept getting interrupted, while we just followed her. And soon got... to a weird construction. While the others talked I was just... Thinking. And being worried.. Something was wrong with Alex...

I paced back and forth, drowning in my thoughts... Asking myself questions... Before getting ripped out of my thoughts by sabre gently shaking me and asking "Vote for of you wanna stay hee or go in a Direction!" I blinked, looked at him for a few seconds and proceeded to answer "Go in a direction...?" Sabre sighed and well... We started walking.

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