Chapter 10

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-Lucy's POV-

I groaned in pain as I hit the floor, because someone just PUSHED me out of bed... "What the fuck...?" I groaned and looked up at who it was... It was Orange Steve...? "Orange why did you Push me out of bed?!" I asked as I sat up... "We have to go! I reached out to one of my old friends and now we have to go to them!!" Orange exclaimed and helped me up, before running out with me to Sabre and Liam, which stood by the open Indigo Portal! Oh Cool! Time to meet an Indigo Steve! "Okay let's go!!" Sabre yelled and ran first trough the portal and me and the others ran after. "Okay amazing! Time to meet an Indigo Steve!" I grinned happily and turned around- Oh my.
"Oh my... That's... That's a big tower. Is there a reason why we're in front of this tower tho?" Liam asked, sounding quiet confused. "Yeah uhm... We have to climb this tower..." Orange chuckled a bit nervously... Oh dear Guardians... Sabre ran around the tower but Orange Steve yelled "WAIT!" I sighed and pointed at the one block wide stairs... "We have to climb these..." Liam sighed and got on the first step. "Guys... I'm... I'm afraid of heights..." Orange noooo! My poor baby!! "Orange! I will hold you hand while we go up there!" I exclaimed and hugged Orange... "O-Okay..." He whined and took my hand. "Okay. Let's climb up." Liam and Sabre exclaimed and hugged the wall as they walked up. Me and Orange slowly walked after... "Isn't the view from here just amazing, Orange? Just... Just don't look down." I exclaimed and looked to the side with orange... "Yeah! Urban us really beautiful!" He giggled and kept walking with me. I didn't let go of his hand for one second- It's starting to rain... "Guys..   I don't wanna do this..." Orange whined and started shaking a bit... "Orange. Orange please calm down." Liam exclaimed "We are almost there." "It's gonna be okay, Orange... I'm not going to let go of you and you will be okay..." I gently smiled at Orange and slowly kept walking with him... Don't. Slip. We are almost there- We are in. "Oh thank the Guardians!" Liam sighed relieved and fell to his knees. I know that he is also afraid of heights. "Okay now where is Indigo Steve?!" He asked and looked around... Orange walked with me to a hole in the ground and looked down... "Orange Steve... Don't tell me that..." Sabre I know exactly what you are thinking... "We have to jump down there" Orange NOOOOO-
"DAMN IT!" Liam yelled and got up again. "Okay... Let's... Let's jump in... 3. 2... 1!!" I yelled and we all jumped down...

And we got teleported to some weird world... "Welcome to the middle world!" Orange giggled and let go of my hand "The middle world is a world made to prevent people with ill intent from going to the world beyond!" Wow... I slowly walked towards some of the floating blocks... "We have to go trough some Trials..." Orange exclaimed... I just shook my hear and waked with the others. "This world is... Weird..." Lunar exclaimed... It really is... "I have never seen anything like this- Is that the darkness?" She yelled. My eyes widened and I grabbed the others and started running past it, yelling "RUN!!!" "WAIT-" Liam tried to stop me but I didn't give him a chance.

"LUCY! IT'S JUST A TRIAL!!" Liam yelled and stopped me. The... The thing tried to attack us but didn't teal damage. Before it eventually disappeared... "Wow." Lunar was surprised like me as Lia just dragged me after him and... Wait that's red Steve!!! "RED!!!" I yelled and ran towards him. "Follow me! I want to show you something!" Red Steve smiled and ran off. I ran after him and the others ran after us...  We told him about the darkness and all and he simply said... "Who cares about the darkness?! Follow me!"... I immediately stopped the others and shook my head "That is NOT red steve. Red Steve was OBSESSED about the darkness and that it came back!!" I yelled "It... It is just a trial. He is trying to lure us." Sabre sighed and watched the Trial disappear... "That was sick... That was just... Sick..." Liam frowned as he continued to walk with us... "Yellow Steve!" Before he suddenly yelled out and ran to... Yello Steve? No. That MUST BE another trial!! We ran to him and I grabbed his hand. "Don't." I whispered... "Don't follow him." And watched "Yellow Steve" walk into the same direction the others tried to lead us... "Hey yellow Steve! What is your thoughts on... the darkness?" Sabre asked. "I'm not worried about it!" Yellow exclaimed... "They are trying to make us forget about the darkness..." Lunar grumbled.... "Orange. You can say it this time." Sabre exclaimed and looked at Orange who looked at 'Yellow'... "You're NOT Yellow steve!!" Orange exclaimed! And it is freaking out... It's like... They are falling apart... I sighed and turned around- It's the indigo Steve. "Ah welcome. I've been expecting you. Congratulations on prevailing the tests" Indigo Steve gently smiled and caused the others to turn around to him too... "...Hello Indigo Steve." Me and... Lunar greeted him? Why did she greet him even tho he didn't hear her...?

A Unforgettable Quest [A Steve Saga Reboot/Rainbow Quest Story]Where stories live. Discover now