Chapter 36

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-Cindy's POV-

A Diamond Steve, Huh...? Interesting. Okay no he is pulling out a diamond sword. "Who are you?" Oh okay. Put the sword away Diamond. We explained that we are travelers who are looking for answers and that we ran into Gold Steve... "Please put the sword away... We ran into gold Steve and he told us we are cool peps!" Sabre no- "He never said anything about how cool you guys are." I didn't expect anything else. "Uhm okay... Can we all just talk...?" I cleared my throat but... "GOLD STEVE TAKE COVER!" Okay he no wanna talk... He just ran into the house and hiding in the corners... What the fuck. "Any plans to get them out of there?" Sabre asked... Hmm... "My first option is talk to him since communication is key..." Yes Alex.  We went to the door and looked trough the window. "Hey there Diamond Steve... Look we aren't here to attack anyone. We are just kind travelers." I gently smiled towards them "If we would want to attack you... Well there is 4 of us. We could've easily captured the Gold Steve and stolen his Soul. So c'mon out and we can talk!" Yeah Sabre! Lez goooo lez talk. "That is true..." Oh Wow that might actually work... Before any of us could keep talking we suddenly heard lightning in the distance. Oke. "Look we just wanna figure out what is going on in this area. We are new here, Lightning is happening and we just want friends who will help us find out more about this area..." I smiled at Diamond Steve, hoping he would come out and talk. "That Lightning? We've been trying to figure that out too..." Oh? So he had no idea... "How about you come on out and we talk. We just wanna know what is going on in this area. And if you show us trust... We show you trust." Sabre said, now also slightly smiling. "Fine. But I still don't trust you!" Okay that is fine Diamond Steve.  "Okay Uhm... Hello. We shall introduce ourselves. I am Cindy Sakura. And those Others Are Sabre, The Guardian and Alex. Nice to meet you." I smiled at Diamond Steve, as I introduced us. "We are travelers. We traveled a long way and we only have torches on us. We only wanna know what is going on. Why, if you have a civilisation, why is this gold Steve way out here? AND where is the Rest of everyone? Seems like it's just you and him. And he said you were coming right now. Did you just come to check up On him? That's a very kind thing from a leader" Many questions asked by Sabre. And we need the answers from Diamond Steve. And yes it IS A kind thing.

"Could you start from the bottom, maybe?" I asked... "Well that's because we've been trying to figure out the lightning that happened over there, and I've sent this gold Steve to Investigate." Oh so this is why Gold is out here. This is like an Outpost! And lightning just happened again. "So this is an Outpost! Okay! Also not to tattle or anything but he seems like he didn't care to much.  I think he got a little lazy. As we showed up, fout total strangers that are nothing like you guys... He didn't question it at all! Okay he Questioned SOME stuff but still... He wasn't cautious, I think he has NO Weapon on him... Alex take over." Sabre walked into the background and Alex took over. "Hello. As he said before I'm Alex. Not from the area- Oh there is some more... More lightning... And uh..  We are wondering where the rest of you are... If there are more of you." Yep thanks Alex. "Oh they are in the village!" OH! There's a village. That's cool. "So Uhm... May I ask why this house is made out of ore?" I asked and looked at the Diamond Steve. "Out of all the blocks he could've used why that?" The Guardian asked. Yeah why?  "Oh that's because Gold Steve can make anything with Gold!" Cool. So... "YOU CAN JUST MAKE ANYTHING OUT OF DIAMOND?!" Sabre don't yell. "Correct" that's the answer. "Guys can we talk again? Just for a sec?" Sabre dragged us a bit away. "Guys this is our way to get outta here... I'm gonna be real with you all, yes I could've technically made a machine-" "I could've too." "Cool Cindy. But we need the right blocks for us. And I'm just gonna say it: Diamond is our best Chance to ACTUALLY getting outta here. And if this Diamond Steve is willing to help us, well all he has to do is give us a bunch of diamond blocks!" Sabre... "They seem to have their own problems right now... I don't know if he is exactly willing to just go out of his way and help us." Thank you Guardian for saying that. Sabre explained us that we could tell us we can STOP the lightning... We can just pretty much make a deal. We help them, they help us... Seems like a good idea... But we gotta get his trust... We walked back to Diamond Steve.

"Okay it's time to tell the truth, Diamond Steve. WE. ARE. FROM. Another village right across from the tundra." Nice Sabre. "And I'm their leader" I smiled. I mean... I AM a Queen... So it's not a lie that I am a leader. I'm just not THEIR leader. "Yeah! And she came woth us cuz we are from that side and also have been exploring and investigating the cause of the lightning! And we have also solution to fix it! And if you're willing to work with us we put both our villages at peace." Yeah! Good Sabre! "Wait... you are from over there? And You, Cindy; are their leader?" Oh I hope he buys it...
I just nodded. "Yeah! WAAAAAAY Over there! We have been travelling for a LONG LONG Time!" Why is the Diamond Steve backing up...? Shit... "we did not even know that there are other villages out there!" Sabre stop. "Okay now I Really don't trust you!" FUCK! "Wait! Wait wait wait! It's okay Diamond Steve! You can absolutely trust us! We are good people and our Leader is are lovely kind Lady!" Thank you guardian! "Our village is all about peace and unity and making sure everyone can live happily!" I smiled, hoping he will keep believing us. "We just want to fix this lightning like you. we don't know why you don't trust us but it is fine. We also don't fully trust you yet. And we need full trust to work together! So what do you say diamond Steve?" Please...
"Grrr... Fine. But the other gold Steves can't see you!" Yes! "Okay! We completely understand and respect that!" I smiled and bowed. "Wat what do you mean by the other gold Steves? Wait are there other diamond steves or...?" Good question Sabre. "If the gold steves are string enough they upgrade to diamond steves" Interesting... "It makes sense! That's actually pretty cool!" It actually is. "Diamond Steve we shall respect your wishes and not let any gold steves see us... As long as you are willing to work with us! We just need help in constructing something in order to get rid of the lightning... So... Would you be so kind to lead us to your village?" I asked. "Fine." Yes! We then started Following the Diamond Steve to his village.

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