Chapter 32

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-Cindy's POV-

Sabre... I didn't expect to see him again. "Okay Uhm.. So..." Sabre started to try and find his words... "The... Darkness Was let out. You might be Save for  now... But it will find you eventually..." The darkness huh...? "The darkness? Coming here? Yeah no way." Leader chuckled... Oh the leader... Just because you and your people are isolated doesn't mean we won't be attacked by the darkness... "Mr Leader sir... What if the Chicken man is right?" Evelyn whimpered and tucked on the Leaders arm... "It's going to be okay, young Princess... The Darkness was sealed away. I know for a fact that the last hero got rid of it." Leader softly smiled at Evelyn and patting her head, causing her to purr... But as I saw the look on Sabre's face... I knew it was no longer sealed. The Darkness was free. "You three should probably sit down..." Sabre coughed. I raised my eyebrow but sat down with the leader and Evelyn... "The Darkness was... Accidentally freed by me... A red Steve told me it was part of a prophecy to unseal the temple..." Sabre coughed... I simply facepalmed as the leader stared at him with Disbelief "What...? No... That's... Impossible..." He muttered and shifted around a bit... Evelyn started whining and tearing up "Is the Darkness going to come get us...?" She sobbed, so I pulled her in my lap as... Sabre backtracked and told us what happened and that they need the Crystal to recreate the hero... "Why should we help?" Oh the Prideful leader is at it again. "Oh dear dear leader... You cannot risk that the darkness will ACTUALLY get here! It'll destroy this all... So just listen to them and give them the green crystal!" I sighed... Only to get a stubborn response "But the darkness can't get here!" I groaned and stood up "Oh one minute." Orange coughed and suddenly a lot of lighting happened... And a Shield appeared around us. "Now Green leader... This orange Steve... Is the most powerful Orange Steve. The holder of the Orange Crystal." Sabre exclaimed before explaining to us what happened to one of the greatest Yellow Kingdoms... I sighed and looked at the leader "Will you finally hear them out?" I sighed... "I... Suppose. Let us go on a walk whilst we talk..." Leader sighed as we walked out. "First... Leader... Your kingdom is beautiful. Really is..." Sabre sighed and looked out onto the River "I wanna asure you... We aren't here to hurt you... We saw what the Darkness did to others... Yes the other leaders were selfish and took the Crystal's back... But they did it for their people..." Sabre...

I softly sighed as I looked out onto the river and loosing track of the conversation... I just knew... Sabre was able to convince Leader... If they leave... I shall come with them... "I... I shall give you the green crystal... It seems like the right thing to do. But... I don't have it with me right now." Oh damn it leader "Its not here." Sabre groaned and walked off; telling us to wait a bit... Before he yelled "WHY DO WE ALWAYS HAVE TO DO CHORES?!"... And then coming back-
Lightning. Lighting just happened. My instincts immediately kicked in and I made Evelyn run back into the Leaders house... "Its probably nothing!" Sabre chuckled... But even Lucy and Liam seemed... Worried. "Sabre... what if it's... One of those two...?" Lucy gulped... One of those two...? "Or the darkness...?" Liam cleared his throat... "Don't... Don't worry... They couldn't have found this THAT quickly... And I doubt Nightmare Steve or Raven would be able to come trough here..." Sabre... If you aren't right... "Where is the Green crystal anyway...?" Sabre asked and looked at leader... "Its somewhere else... Well since we decided to never share the crystal again, we hid it where no one can find it." Damn it. "We... we put it in and old kingdom. Guarded by beings that won't let anyone take it... Not even my own people." Fuck! "You're... Kidding right...?" Lucy laughed... But Leader just shook his head "Oh Fuck. Well what is that old kingdom?" Even Liam seemed a bit... Annoyed by this fact. "Its the Original green Steve kingdom..." the original...? Huh... I guess... "We will have to do this... Together. Everyone pack your bags we are going to the old green kingdom." I exclaimed. "Do we have to...?" Orange whimpered... "YES." only to get a a annoyed response from Sabre. This'll be... Fun? "Are you sure that you wish to go with them...? And what about Evelyn?" The leader asked... "Yes I am sure. And... It seems save here for now... So she shall stay here and you and your guards will keep her save." I exclaimed and want to get ready.

-Yoosung's POV-

I sighed as I finally turned the Orb into the crystal... Now I... Had to make a machine...? God I will be here for hours... "What's the point... I will fail and be USELESS!!" I sighed and slammed my head on the table... "That's not true." Lunar...?! I slowly raised my head and looked around.... I... I was just imagining things. "You're not going to fall, My love... Just try your best and make this... Guardian. That'll help the Steve's and protect them... And that will help Light Steve fight off the Darkness." Lunar... No I couldn't be imagining her... Her sweet beautiful voice... I felt tears run down my face... As I had become determined again...

-1 hour later-

I sighed and leaned against a wall as I had finally finished the machine... I hope... It'll work without as vessel. Of it won't... The crystal might destroy itself. I took a deep breath and put the crystal in the chest... Before activating the machine. A lot of lightning happened, which caused me to flinch and shut my eyes... Please... Let. This. WORK!!!
...Silence... I... Failed didn't I...? "He...llo..." I... Didn't? It actually worked?! My eyes shot open and I saw...

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