Chapter 18

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-Lucy's POV-

Sabre you're not the brightest... I walked back and forth as The Guardian explained Sabre and Alex what was going on... He kept disappearing and reappearing... Which made me very worried... He did tell us why this happened but that still worried me... Sabre went every now and then behind Reality Steve's Machine to Freak out... While I was screaming from the inside and also having a small panic attack from the inside. I was thinking a lot... As Sabre suddenly cane up with a GREAT Plan!! We Galaxy Steve out Reality Steve so that he can travel with his help to the World where the Spirit world was... During Soke talking I realised how Raspy the Guardian's voice became... As if he was loosing his voice or just getting so exhausted so that he was BARELY able to talk.

I sighed and looked at Alex and Sabre. Before the Guardian disappeared... He wanted us to tell us to be Careful... Maybe there is something horrible waiting for us there... Something... Deadly. I sighed and looked at Reality Steve who has been... Very quiet. He has been ready for this entire time... I hope this will actually work... I sighed and leaned against Reality Steve's Machine while not listening to Alex and Sabre anymore... Even tho Sabre was obviously yelling... Geez he likes to Yell. "Sabre calm down." I hummed. He just yelled and I listened in again "I AM CALM!!!" I sighed and then heard Reality Steve "You two are so annoying... Just Get this Idiot out of my head... Geez how can it be that you are still sane with those two around?!" That Question was definitely for me. I just shrugged and hummed "No idea~ Guess I'm just used to people who are kinda annoying" I chuckled.
After this the yelling continued.

I sighed and shook my head, starting to growl. After a few seconds my growling got louder causing everyone to shut the fuck up. "Can we just start this?!" I growled. We all backed off from the machine and suddenly everything went White... I blinked and rubbed my eyes... That Galaxy Steve guy was in the Machine... Sabre and Alex bolted over to him and got him out... I smiled and walked over while Sabre and Galaxy Steve were hugging. "So Cute!" I chuckled. Galaxy Steve looked at me and jumped back a bit. "Whoa who is that Cutie?!" Cutie?!
"Wait what Cutie?! Also thank the stars! I have been stuck- Been hanging out with those two lovely gals! I am so Glad to have you back!" Sabre sobbed happily, causing me to laugh.
"Excuse me. .. Hello. I am still stuck in this machine..." I heard Illusion Steve Sigh in Frustration.

I sighed and facepalmed as I stole Galaxy Steve from the others while Alex and Sabre talked to Illusion Steve. "Hi. I'm Lucy. And I randomly stumbled into this mess that was created by Illusion Steve who you created." I giggled and shook his hand. He blinked and starred at me, before panickly Apologising "OH MY GALAXY I AM SO SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO GET YOU INTO ANY KIND OF MESS, MISS LUCY!!! ALSO I AM GALAXY STEVE!" I laughed and hugged him before shoving him back to Alex and Sabre.
"Okay explain him everything Sabre." I patted Sabre's back, knowing he will talk like a waterfall... Which he did. He explained Galaxy Steve everything. Very fast. I always gave him a sign to tell him to breath. After he finished he walked a bit away from us and took deep breaths which was concerning... "Is he... Is he going to be alright or is... Is..." Aw... Illusion Steve is concerned.

"Are you concerned...?" Alex starred at Illusion Steve with a small grin. "N-no I'm not concerned! It just seemed like he was... I've never actually seen him think That hard." Oof. That must've hurt.  I jumped a bit after hearing Sabre make his weird noise... Groaning? He walked back to us and huffed "Up top" as he jumped... He couldn't be okay right now... something was up... Had to be. I sighed as Illusion Steve talked again... And Galaxy Steve kept interrupting... Geez he is so cute and Funny... No I am not crushing. So shush... I pat Sabre's back after his attempt of a evil or insane laugh... "Hun let me show you how to do it..." I giggled and started laughing

A Unforgettable Quest [A Steve Saga Reboot/Rainbow Quest Story]Where stories live. Discover now