Chapter 42

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-YinYang's POV-

I was sitting on the branches of a tree outside, Watching Rainbow Steve and Light Steve in the Arena. Training, Training, Training. It is so very important. I didn't watch them as intensely as the others. My thoughts was actually... With Raven. Why did she have to be with the evil beings? Also why is Light Steve questioning why he is the hero. That is very rude. "Give him time, Light Steve. Now let me do something... Rainbow Steve!" Rainbow Steve turned his head to me "That darkness wishes to destroy Gerald!" And that is when he straight up went crazy with lightning, causing light Steve to jump back. "That's how to do it." I hummed and watched him destroy the dummy. "I... Am terrified of that mass of power he has." Oh Light Steve... I simply shook my head, jumped off the tree and entered the arena. "Okay Rainbow Steve. We will summon another darkness Dummy. And you will have to defeat it." I hummed and leaned against the glass that everyone was trapped inside "GO RAINBOW STEVE!!!" LovelyMoon cheered.  Rainbow Steve actually channeled his power against the dummy... "Rainbow Steve. Control." I gave him a small hand sign, which should tell him to keep it down and to stay calm "Using so much power at once will tire you out very quickly. May I show you how you could do it? Of course you can't use the same attack as me but, it is just to show you how to just destroy the dummy without using up so much energy." I explained and walked over to rainbow Steve. He simply nodded and I gave Light Steve a sign to summon a dummy. He did so and as soon as the dummy ran up to us... I concentrated my power on it and shot a ball of my energy to it... Hitting it right in the chest and leaving a hole behind. It straight up fell over and I looked at rainbow Steve. "See? Don't use too much power. Now it is your turn." I smiled at him and went back to lean against the glass. Light Steve summoned another dummy before coming to stand next to and hopefully just watch. I am not going to answer questions about my powers, just yet. I watched Rainbow Steve and... With just a bit of lightning he destroyed the dummy. "Okay now let them out Light Steve. Rainbow Steve... You can have your pufferfish treat." I smiled at him and walked over to him, while Light Steve opened the glass. Rainbow Steve squealed happily and ate some of his pufferfish. Oh how adorable. "Now. Let us try out your power on actual darkness. It shall be quiet Interesting." I hummed and grabbed Rainbow Steve by the hand after he put away his pufferfish. "Wait what- Wait shouldn't we let him go SLOW?" Lucy exclaimed and ran over to us. "Don't worry Lucy! He will be okay. Now!" LovelyMoon giggled and clapped as we teleported away. We talked talked a bit- Light Steve is hitting his head against a wall. "Light Steve get over here. You have quiet enough Brain damage already." I hummed and sat on the edge, watching him. He turned around to me and slightly glared at me before coming to me. I stood up and simply laughed... I spotted some Darkness and he ran up to him-

Yep. He straight up destroyed it. And here he comes back. "You did great, Rainbow Steve. Now thank you Light Steve for helping us. I know it must've been a tad stressful... But Rainbow steve will need time and patience. Now... You and LovelyMoon may go back to the outpost. I shall take us to the rainbow hub." I smiled at Light Steve and clapped as I teleported us to the rainbow hub. 'You did great, Rainbow Steve. You deserve a treat." Liam exclaimed and pat his head "But only later. We have to help the other Steve's." Lucy nervously laughed... "I'll stay here with Gerald and Evelyn this time" Yumin exclaimed and smiled. We simply nodded and... Left.

A Unforgettable Quest [A Steve Saga Reboot/Rainbow Quest Story]Where stories live. Discover now